Man, now I feel really bad! I've never had trick-or-treaters! Of course, now I realize I've never been home at trick or treat time. Should I give them a quarter?
Edit: OK, I just ignored them, like a big meanie, WHICH I AM NOT. Next year I will buy candy, and probably end up eating it all myself.
Still not a single kid yet. Weird. I wonder whether someone in the neighborhood is having a party for the kids or something. Or maybe everyone hated our candy last year? Nah - I gave out full-sized candy bars. What's not to love??
yeah, I bought stuff, but I am staying at work with my web designer who has to finish a project we are working on.
That's weird, Jen. Usually kids remember the houses that give full size bars.
We only get the non-lazy kids, because our house sits up high. We've had a handful so far. A devil (girl), several ninja, a couple of football players, Swow White, a dwarf (cutest homemade costume, ever), a lady bug, Sleeping Beauty, Ariel, an angel, a couple of princesses of unknown origin, and of course my own brood (Dracula, Corpse Bride, and Green Power Ranger) took candy to start with. Now we're having a lull, and I'm having popcorn (so I don't lapse into a candy coma) with red wine, which just isn't a good combination.
OK, I obsessively checked last year's Natter to find out what time kids started arriving. It was only about a half an hour earlier. And since I did that, there have been eight kids.
Also, I lied. I did not hand out full-sized bars last year, it seems. There were Butterfingers, though. I love those. Didn't get any this year. Boo.
ETA: Vampire, angels, witches, random cartoony bird-like thing, hobo.
Aaaand we were out of candy by 7 (4 bags). Porch light off, door closed.
Casper's old nanny came by and told me that our neighbors who live on the big street (we're on a little cross street) buy 40 lbs of candy and get through it all. I like trick or treating, but that's ridiculous - candy is expensive!
mr. flea and Casper still not back! The baby caterpillar has gone to bed.
Heh! I was going to tell you to check last year's Natter, Jen, and then thought you'd think I was craxy.
Best costumes: emperor penguin (with plastic egg taped to shoe), two fairies in homemade costumes, and the girls were really beautiful, pale skinner and ringlets, so they looked like fairies.
The warriors are back! Now to check out the loot.
My poor dear nephew was dressed as a lamb.
But this is also the first year he was aware of the "going to get candy" aspect of Halloween, so I doubt he cared much about the lame costume.