Is this Casanova the BBC thing? Or Casanova the Heath Ledger thing?
I couldn't even finish the Heath Ledger one. This is Masterpiece Theatre (which, I assume is the BBC version) with David Tennant.
Cornell University researchers are reporting what appears to be a statistically significant relationship between autism rates and television watching by children under the age of 3.
I wonder if this will get people off the vaccination/autism link. Also, ugh. Like I need reason to worry about how much my toddler watches tv.
I think I need these speakers .
Also, Mr. Scola's tv.
The TV theory (I haven't read the article, just Tom's quote) makes me wonder which comes first in a chicken/egg sort of way and puts me in mind of the old, "Blame the woman, she must have been a cold mother," autism-theory that was popular when we were young.
The thing is, depending on how it manifests, parenting an autistic child can be exhausting, and TV is particularly appealling to some autistic kids, and a respite for their parents. I suspect there's never going to be an answer for autism, so much as a set of precautions parents can take. Less TV is never going to be a bad thing.
Had a really lovely weekend with lovely people. Managed to get a window seat on the train home. Sadly, I was a moron and picked the side in which I'd be facing into the setting sun most of the way, but that promoted eye closure and napping. Managed to get cat home from boarding. Did not manage grocery shopping, but I think I'll survive until this evening.
Now I need to work. Hrmph.
It's Monday...
- David Bowie.
Where the hec is everyone?
(cough cough) - ahem....
Good morning starshine
The earth says hello
You twinkle above us
We twinkle below
Good morning, world.
Below find the story of Australians surfing in Utah, fresh from their adventures surfing in Idaho and Wyoming.
Hey Tom. I'm here, just pretending to be working. Popping in while waiting for someone to check my script before I run it.
How's it going with you? Skippy girl here. Has your eye finished with the fixin', or is it still being troublesome?