Our wireless wasn't working this morning in spite of Lee being clear across the country. Turns out DH couldn't figure out the new firewall rules. I fixed it when I got up.
I'm a little disappointed that I have neither a cupcake place nor a belgian waffle store anywhere close to where I live.
That Kleeb guy is pretty. But I'm still holding out for Evan Bayh for an eventual presidential run.
Happy birthday, Kristen and Jeff!
Don't you hate when someone who's a forwarder (I swear, he's never sent me an email where he has anything to say, and none of his forwards are even interesting) suddenly remembers you exist? Hmmph.
I mentioned a friend's movie,
Strictly Sexual,
in my LJ, and my mother calls me this morning and her second question (after "How are you doing?") is "Was that a porn movie?" Sheesh. Like that would go in an unlocked post
I'd admit it to my mother. Boundaries, man, boundaries. If she's taught me nothing else, it is the boundary.
Today? Shot. However, there's not really anything I have to do tomorrow if I don't hear back on this interview soon.
Man, I need to be in bed. I had lofty ideas about actually getting some work done in the evening, but just like I did fuck-all today I've done fuck-all this evening. Well, I watched 6 hours of BSG and Dexter. But I don't think that's necessarily productive so much as mental candy. Well, mental chocolate-covered sunflower seeds, shall we say. It's twenty to two. I should sleep.
I am already sending a prezzie home with Nicole. What more do you want woman?
Our wireless wasn't working this morning in spite of Lee being clear across the country.
What more do you want woman?
I'll let you know on Thursday?
DH was reading the Sunday paper today and I heard him exclaim, "Oh, god!" When I asked him what happened, he pointed me towards this article. Like that's news.
Don't you hate when someone who's a forwarder (I swear, he's never sent me an email where he has anything to say, and none of his forwards are even interesting) suddenly remembers you exist? Hmmph.
My stepmom is a forwarder... I can tell if she is pissed at me or not by whether she forwards things to me or if she sends them to my dad who sends them to me. So while I am not thrilled by the forwards? Still useful.
I'll let you know on Thursday?
Judging the quality of our bribes now, are we?
Not a bad article, though - I like that they made the connection between fic and the Brontes, etc.
I like that they made the connection between fic and the Brontes, etc.
Oh, yeah, definitely!