It was fun to see the nurses react to Stuffed He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named-Again. "What's this?" they'd ask cautiously. I debated about explaining the whole "He's a plush representation of one of the Elder Gods, who, if you say their names too often, will manifest in our reality and devour us all." After all, nurses have access to drugs and people who can sign committal papers, and it wasn't worth the grief.
"He's my pet monster. He keeps the bad things away." They accepted that.
The funniest thing is watching Em sinf the Elmo song. The Em version is, "La la la la...WORLD! La la la la...WORLD! ...FISH!...TOO!...WORLD!"
You SO need to record this. And maybe post it on youtube. Too cute.
Welcome baby Zmayhem!!!!!!
Virgin Atlantic Revises Laptop Ban
According to the airline's Web site, travelers may use their Dell and Apple notebooks "once the laptop serial number has been checked by a member of the cabin crew." If the unit is not on the recall list, the owner may use it without restriction.
Yaay! Welcome to the world, TinyZmayLady! Rest up & recuperate JZ!