Yes, Hippo Birdies to Jeff, whereever he is!
I had a frustrating time with insomnia (headache, aches, stiff as a board) last night, but finally conquered it with drugs... which is giving me a hard time in the way of waking up this morning. The cats are very motivational in their single-minded-we-must-be-fed way.
Matt, what's the name of that restaurant? I might try it sometime, though I'm not so sure I'm willing to drive to Collierville to eat.
Poking my head once more to post two important things.
The first is that I handed in that report. Only three hours of sleep tonight (if there hadn't been shabbat in the middle, I never would have made it), but it's out of my hands now. When I gave it to the person in charge in the research authority, I couldn't help myself but ask: "that's it? There's nothing more I'm supposed to do about it now?". He said that no, it's all him from now on. Of course, twenty minutes later he called asking to be e-mailed some information, and I think I recognized all these horror-movies talk about a "chill through the bones" and stuff when I heard his voice, but he just wanted another layer of backup, just wanted to make sure everything was OK, and we're all good.
The second thing, which is a little less meMeME but is much more important, is that it's raining here! I woke up from those almost-three-hours crashing I had on, like, 6:30, because drops of water were falling on my face (which is a much nicer way to write "because I was stressed and knew I'm behind", isn't it?), and I didn't imagine them, and it wasn't some evil wake-up-early-and-get-back-to-work fairy, or even a not-evil one (they call this thing responsibility, right?). It was actual rain.
I had my hair and my feet and my arms all wet by the time I got to my room in the university, and I didn't mind, I was so happy about the actual new fres first rain. I was sure it would end later, to be replaced by blue sky and lots of sun as if nothing happened (we had a scorcher only on Friday, you know), but no - there were still clouds, and when I went to bind and arrange the booklets of the copies of the report, I had to go between one rain and another, much stronger one.
I love having weather!
Radiator turned on last night. For other reasons Bob and I were sleeping in the living room, conveniently enough to awaken to the drip-drip-drip of the upstairs neighbor's radiator making its way into our apartment.
We had a note up in the lobby all last week saying to watch out for that when the heat came on. I really like my building management. I mean, not that it would help when the heat comes on the middle of the night, but it's nice that they're aware.
Suddenly glad I'm on the top floor. But I guess it's better it happens now than when it's really cold, in case they have to turn the heat off for a while.
When he spits up and Casper is near, she cries, "It's the amazing adventures of spit-up boy!"
He needs a cape. He already has a sidekick--Chatty Girl!
I'm trying to decipher the Spanish lyrics to the songs on Handy Manny. Google is giving me no love.
We had to call in our furnace guy on Friday night. Problems with pilot light staying lit. He cleaned everything, replaced a part and suggested that our furnace is near the end of its life span. No immediate replacement needed but it's going to be sooner, rather than later.
I'm still glad fall is here.
My building's fucking heat hasn't been on all weekend. The lows on both Friday night and last night? Mid-30s.
Because I am dim-witted, I didn't think to call the apartment office yesterday. But you can bet I'm calling them when they open at noon today. That's unacceptable. I can't believe they didn't turn the heat on.
I broke another person's wireless! Go me!
That's a strange power you have, there.