Anyone else home on a Saturday night?
I am. Just got home, though -- went out to dinner earlier. Now, I'm playing with my new computer.
The built-in camera at the top of the screen is weirding me out. Even though I didn't turn it on, just the fact that it's there, looking at me. I think I might end up covering it with a postit or something.
Mmm, sesame chicken paid for with a writing advance. That has to taste good.
home. just home. mmm... dinner. wine, Ca fried chicken... a berry crisp....mmmm.
Anyone else home on a Saturday night?
::raises hand::
Emmett's watching the Marx Brothers and singing "Hail Freedonia." JZ is feeding the bambina.
I stayed home to clean tonight, then gave up.
I couldn't get into the site for a couple minutes just now...moving equipment, my ass.
bon bon - neither could I!
I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I watched a bunch of BSGs and then Cold Squad and now DaVinci's Inquest. (One of the possessed guys from "Devil's Trap" was in Cold Squad.)
Another Saturday night, and I ain't got nobody...
Well, except y'all.
Anyone else home on a Saturday night?
Ayup. 'Tis a chronic condition when you have young kids. I ran errands all day. Now I'm catching up on recorded Doctor Who's and David Tennat as Cassanova.
Now I'm trying to decide if I want to start trying to catch up on BSG.
Now I'm trying to decide if I want to start trying to catch up on BSG.
Do it! Do it!
when you have young kids
Or, OK... sleep.
I'm watching Grey's Anatomy from the ABC site, but it keeps hanging up. So, I think I may give up.
I broke another person's wireless! Go me!
You are so uninvited to stay here. I just got mine working. Or I can disable it while you are here. Is this your superpower?