Plus, hey, now you get to have all those sukkot in your neighborhood!
Hee! Yep. And the other day when I drove down Park Heights, one of the big jewish community centers had a huge fair going on. It smelled so good!
I wish there were a way for this to happen here. I'm so curious, and before, there wasn't really anyone to even ask, let alone really sit and talk to, who practiced any other religion.
I grew up in a very liberal, only moderately christian faith (quakers, although my community was of the very liberal branch so not entirely representative.) I frankly consider myself pretty areligious, though raised in a judeo-christian culture. But really? I'm not well educated in it. My dad the athiest has a better education (the episcopalians threw him out!)
But I am thankful for I was lucky enough to attend quaker meetings,assorted protestant services, catholic masses and jewish temple (what is that service called) in my growing-up years. I might not feel at home in any of them, but it helps me to understand.
And hey, I've heard the muslim call to prayer too. Beautiful thing, that. Though it makes my cat kinda weird.
Nilly! I'm sorry about your all nighter, which sucks, but glad to see you here.
sara, could we have this conversation again, soon, on a time in which I could actually participate, instead of wishing my fingers to figure out what my brain probably thinkgs but is too involved in explaining to me about the whole sleep thing to bothe phrasing? It's really interesting, and I don't want to waste it on comments like 'yeah" and "oh", you know?
Lee! I may cave in and go to sleep. If I still have a hard time figuring out the order of the ABC (I'm arranging a few dozens of references right now, and at first I typed ABS, which I think means I really indeed can't tell the letters of the ABC apart, doesn't it?). But I'm here on time to wish you a great vacation, at least, right?
[Edit: hey, the digits in my post # are in order, unlike, well, pretty much anything else, if you ask my brain. Silly brain, listen to the numbers!]
I vote for sleep, if you can, Nilly.
Thanks for the vacation wishes!
Oh, and President Bush flew over me today. At least I think so. I was getting off the L when I saw two big military choppers and a bigger Chinook chopper fly overhead - apparantly heading towards O'Hare from downtown Chicago. (eta: Bush was in Chicago today.)
Once Bill and Hillary flew over me too.
Live TV is weird. It stops the show right in the middle to show these other little shows that are, like, total non-sequiturs and only about 30 seconds long and really anvilly. And it doesn't let me fast forward past them.
The sky is beginning to do a sort of "hmm, maybe black isn't my color after all" sort of thing, an "um, maybe blue is the new black?" accompanied by "this blue?" and "maybe that blue?" and a tiny bit of "oh, other colors!".
Live TV is weird. It stops the show right in the middle to show these other little shows that are, like, total non-sequiturs and only about 30 seconds long and really anvilly. And it doesn't let me fast forward past them.
Yeah. How did cavepeople actually survive without TiVos for their television?
"oh, other colors!"
Sometimes, if you're lucky, it does this.