Colbert Report Greenscreen Challange? ILM submitted an entry:
Yeah, Lucas was on the show last night. So cool! He didn't win, though.
ION, my apartment has no hot water. All of the hot taps are spitting brown gunk. Landlord has been called, but if I can't shower tomorrow morning, I will be REALLY not happy.
Timelies all!
Eeee! I just got my new PDA. Ok, it's new to me, if not a new model. I had to go with a refurbished Palm Zire 71 in order to get one that works with OS 9. It's charging up right now, so I have to wait a bit before I start playing with it.
I just washed my balcony. I've organised my linens. Done all my laundry. Baked banana bread. Applied for fifteen or so jobs.
Did I mention washed my balcony? I think next I might organise the things under my bed. Does anyone need a coat rack? I have a coat rack under my bed.
My balcony needs washing! You can do...oh, wrong coast.
I'm doing laundry. Not a spurt of industriousness like ita, though. Necessity. Won't be able to this weekend and I'd like clean clothes.
Carl Kassel doing
is really frightening.
Aaaand Devi is demolishing my closet. Knocking fur I didn't know was on the shelves all over my stuff. I'll give you a lintroller, ita, to take care of this, screw the coast.
(Did you try the recaps on the scifi site? They are short and come with pictures.)
sumi, I tried them, in the sense of bookmarking them, but today seemed to be a big homework day for the kids. I have bookmarked the page as well as the Sad Geezers (ha!) Guide site that Strega linked. Thanks to you both.
I would have to watch the episode a second time, and I'm probably not going to do that, but it seems to me that yes, at first, Mayor Mom and Dr. Wife were objecting to the questioning the guys wanted to do (and the cruelty of their methods), but everything else about their treatment of Vincent (even after the questioning) seemed to be this frantic quest to keep him alive, and all I could think was, "Why? Let the poor bugger go."
As a longtime fan of the series, I kind of thought The Story So Far sucked big time. I'm glad it seems to be working on new viewers though! I actually had trouble following it, because the way they chose to recap the various plotlines didn't match the way they were told during the show.
Honestly, I thought it sucked as far as a catch-me-up, too. I hardly feel like I know anything more, except what Cylons are (I never saw the original movie and series). But it showed me enough of the storytelling and acting that I was intrigued.
I almost walked away from the TV and did something else during the first ten minutes, though. Scott was watching it. He'd already watched episode 3:01, and wanted some backstory. I muttered something to him about preferring cavement to astronauts, and then had to explain the whole caveman vs. astronaut debate.
But then I got my cavemen (BSG talk) *
and by that, I mean the kind of myth I dig, when Olmos started talking about earth that was, or rather, mythic earth, and they needed the Arrow of Apollo and there was that whole womb of Athena, and the henge with the zodiac signs on it. That sort of slant seems to be a necessary ingredient to draw me in, as often as not.
BSG question:
New Caprica isn't Earth, is it?
OK, this weather system can move on in already. It's dropped 15 degrees in the past couple of hours, corresponding perfectly with another episode of exploding face syndrome.
Does anyone need a coat rack? I have a coat rack under my bed.
No, but my linens definitely need to be organized. And my closet needs a really good sorting and cleaning.
::looks hopeful::
Hey ita, can you come over and change the light bulb in my entry way while you're at it? I can't reach.
Yeah, you can come and play Live Office Tetris with me. I don't think I'm making progress in unpacking and organizing my office, I'm just moving the boxes around. And shortly, they will be stacked to the ceiling in one giant pile and then, doom.
Or you could come up here, ita. My first day back from vacation is also the first day of our move week, so there will be lots to do.