Happy Early Birthday, Matt. BTW, what local Italian bistro would you be referring to (since there are only a handful here in Memphis)?
Speaking of turning a chore into meditation, I managed to do that with the laundry, which I used to loathe. Fortunately, doing the dishes has never been a problem for me.
BTW, thanks to all for the very warm welcome everyone.
I don't like washing pots. Scrubbing grease and baked on stuff--yuck.
Reason #1 to have a dog. Evolution has built her clean nasty pots and she has a blast doing it. Then I give a scrubby-dub with the Dawn and its done.
...and we're back, hopefully?
Fine, I go home early because of cramps and you crash on me. Be that way.
Yay! I was going through Buffista withdrawal (thank goodness I had work to keep me busy).
Best political ad ever?
I'd say "Tom and Jerry return" for this one, but I don't want my head ripped off...
Though seeing my apartment clean and tidy (and knowing everything in the closets and cupboards is organised) is a very good feeling.
Yes, this, and since my apartment is wee, it doesn't take very long to make it like that.
I love juliana's flat and want to steal it from her.
Jesse - you around? insent earlier.
You know the Colbert Report Greenscreen Challange? ILM submitted an entry: [link]