And you just know there's somebody in an office somewhere watching this story unfold then yelling "That's my place!" Poor things.
A friend's parents live across the street. Her father (who was at home), is fine, but her mother may not be able to get home until much later since they've closed off the block.
The area trends towards wealthy older people, so it's likely that there were a fair number of people home in the building that was hit.
It's near Rockfeller University
Yep -- kind of sad that only the blogosphere has been able to correct that in print so far.
Here's how you know I'm a bitch: my second thought was "I hope this doesn't fuck up my east side commute home".
Heh. Do I even need to tell you my first thought?
There was some "police investigation" at one station the other day that shut down an entire major line for hours -- I was just glad I knew about it ahead of time (thanks, internet!), so I could just go home the other way.
Do I even need to tell you my first thought?
Luckily, there is no reason to want to be near there, so.
My thoughts? "My landlord/managment co. is near there, I should google to find out where" "I have no idea what the name of my landlord is."
They don't think it's anything but a tragic accident, but a no-fly zone has been established and NORAD has scrambled fighter jets over major cities.
Yahoo news (and I realize all the large news sources are saying different things) says that NORAD wasn't tracking this plane. (Yeah, that's the other think -- Yahoo news is saying it's a plane.)
"I have no idea what the name of my landlord is."
Heh. Don't you write them a check every month? I actually got a phone call from my landlord the other week, which freaked me right out! He seemed nice enough, though.
Prison justice.
They mention that child abusers are at the bottom of the prison hierarchy. I wonder who's at the top.
I had to fill out a card with my address at the optometrist, and I paid careful attention to my writing. Since it was a mailing label, I guess I used my upright cursive. My cursive for my own notes is smaller and slanted.
I used to do handwriting analysis a lot. I have no idea if my three or four different hands all point to one personality.
There's already a Wikipedia entry: [link]
Wikipedia is bananas.
Also bananas? I just emailed someone I know, but haven't been in touch with in a while, about a work question. Turns out (a) she's on leave working on a book, and (b) she's pregnant, due in December! I guess we really HAVEN'T been in touch! Sheesh.