I'm a cursive writer since before I was officially taught to do it, and I find it almost impossible not to use cursive (as I keep rediscovering every time I have to fill out forms by hand).
We are as one. I hate printing, and my printing's a royal mess. Filling out college applications sucked.
Also, printing is slow.
My handwriting is awful. Like serial killer bad.
Wait--so printers, are you really talking about caps, or is it circle and stick?
I don't think we were ever taught to write that way, but that might have everything to do with being old school Commonwealth. We had writing class up until I was ten or so. They were quite ferocious about it.
I like writing. I currently enjoy making sure my cursive is consistent, matching general rules from school. I changed my handwriting a number of times in school--size, slant, choice of letter forms, and sometimes it makes my hurried notes look like blotter barf.
So I'm going back and separating each out. Making sure I put loops in my cursive ells, but not on the tees. Making sure this one form of a only goes with a specific form of e.
Wait--so printers, are you really talking about caps, or is it circle and stick?
Neither, in my case. Although, looking at my notebook, it looks more like cursive than I would have thought. Just really crappy cursive.
Wait--so printers, are you really talking about caps, or is it circle and stick?
Not caps, no. But not quite circle and stick either. Kind of a mutated version of script letters.
Cool is pointy.
I guess I'm thinking that it's cool, yet something I would never use.
My handwriting is awful. Like serial killer bad.
Me too. And it's just gotten worse. To top it off, when I write I tend to eliminate letters and pesky vowels from words. Between the script and the shorthand, things are indecipherable--even to me.
I have to say, I was shocked at how bad my big-boss's handwriting is, because she's so very precise in most ways -- her speech, her deportment, etc. But her handwriting is for shit. Makes me wonder why.
I'm not exactly decrying the decline of the nation's youth because they don't teach handwriting anymore, but it makes me sad to see young men's handwriting that looks the same as a 12-year-old's script. [ETA: and I see that far more often than bad female handwriting.] I was always told that my brother's childish handwriting was because it's harder for boys to learn fine motor control, and since they don't even teach it anymore, many don't get better. But maybe that's baseless sexism.