or if I just need to resort toa sledgehammer and start over.
That's what I ended up doing. Well, to my caulk, anyway. My caulk was just nasty and it would NOT come clean. Ended up digging all the old stuff out and redoing the whole tub. Gotta say, my tub looks cleaner now. (Notice I didn't say that it was cleaner.)
What manner of job is it?
Excellent news, shrift! Go, conquer. What kinda work?
YAY shrift!! It's so great when you click at an interview, and it works out.
Plans for the weekend: not much. TV, cleaning, maybe some shopping. I'm looking forward to it.
I think it's time to watch another CBS show on CBS.com, and then watch my otherwise-acquired copy of Supernatural (I totally checked the CW site to see if they were happy streamers, but no).
My head has hurt constantly since before 6am. Eyes open, eyes closed, lights on, lights off, silence, moderate noise--no difference.
But my meetings are over, so that's good.
Help desk/IT kind of work for an internal website.
It's not a dream job, but it's right downtown, and the pay is better than anything else I've been offered so far. Plus, the people I interviewed with were cool, which always helps.