it's rumored though not confirmed that the family members of the victims have insisted that some of that money go to the widow and children of the shooter.
That's really something.
I gotta admit I feel sorry for that guy's kids, that has to be such a horrible thing to live with.
The mother of one of the girls buried yesterday invited the shooter's widow to the funeral, which I find even more incredible than the money--such a level of forgiveness is
That whackaloon Phelps, who's been protesting at soldiers' funerals, was going to turn out for the Amish funerals. He was talked out of it, apparently by the bribe of an hour's air time on a nationally syndicated radio show.
How he can call himself Christian in the face of the Amish I have no idea. You'd think God would reach down, grab him and say, "Dude, I'm a patient God, but you're getting on my last nerve."
Phelps is going to burn in hell for sooo long, and at a temperature rarely matched.
I tend to think of it as more being alone in the dark forever with NO ONE to ever pay attention to him again.
The truth is, even if he had life insurance, it's not going to pay out. He committed suicide.
Theoretically it should, unless the policy started within the last two years.
Well, fuck. January might be off. I've got a query from hell and I can't make sense of the data, much less the metadata. It's still raining.
Should've stayed in bed.
The truth is, even if he had life insurance, it's not going to pay out. He committed suicide.
Theoretically it should, unless the policy started within the last two years.
Really? I thought all suicides negated an insurance payoff. But that could just be from watching too many TV shows.
From CNN:
Thousands of Iraqi police officers have been wounded or killed in the last two years, the U.S. commander in charge of police training in Iraq said today. Since September 2004, about 4,000 officers have been killed and 8,000 injured, said Maj. Gen. Joseph Paterson.
Holy sh*t. In a way I'm not surprised, but damn, that's not good.
Really? I thought all suicides negated an insurance payoff. But that could just be from watching too many TV shows.
It depends on the policy. I once worked at an insurance company - some policies had a "suicide clause" and some didn't.