These aren't the same folks wanting to ban Harry Potter again, are they?
Dunno. There is a woman in Georgia who has made the news in her attempt to have Harry Potter banned from school libraries...
I'm not sure why it really has made so much news, I don't think she's going to get anywhere.
sumi, I thought that too, but then was
distracted by the wiggling, and the expectation that he would break out into the Angel dance at any moment. DB is such a goofy fellow
I'm not sure why it really has made so much news, I don't think she's going to get anywhere.
She certainly seems determined. She tried to get them banned from her kids' elementary school because she claimed they harmed kids who "couldn't tell reality from fantasy." Apparently, she's one of the adults who can't tell reality from fantasy.
Although raising the dead is cool. Do ya' suppose they can bring my friends' dead cat back to life?
It'll just come back wrong.
I wonder if DB being such a cutie is why he seems
to be getting more air time. But Brennan being so straight-out curious abuot the State Department guy's condition was cool. "It's none of your business and it's not relevant." "Well, I'm a forensic anthropolgist, so it is my business, but . . . well, no, it's not relevant." And the discussion about the clowns and jesters was really neat, too.
Hodgkins and Angela figured it out between Cam and Booth! Zeke and Brennan will be the last to know. Angela and Hodgkins are actually kind of cute.
I want that woman to show me where it has been proven that the Harry Potter books have harmed children.
And I'd be willing to bet that the Bible is in the school library, available for checkout. It's not like the damn books are being taught in a class.
Shut up, ignorant redneck.
Hmm. I just realised that Hec and JZ have to make us all godparents. To properly express gratitude, and all.
We have told Matilda that she comes into the world with international couch surfing privileges.
We'll be asking Emmett's godparents to also be Matilda's.
Y'all can be Modparents. You'll all need to buy vespas, however, and dress sharp.
It'll just come back wrong.
No! Not Masha. The wrongest thing she ever did was steal toast.
Although I suppose if she were a zombie kitty she might want her BRAINS on toast....
I loved Brennan's moment where she got the "baby steps" joke. She was so happy that she got it, it took her a moment to realize it might have been offensive.
I think that the Hodgkins/Angela stuff is just charming. It makes me grin like a loon, and getting them together won't create any Moonlighting Syndrome.
I miss the director guy, and I'm still not sure why they brought in Cam, or if that means he's not going to be coming back from his sabbatical.
Y'all can be Modparents. You'll all need to buy vespas, however, and dress sharp.
I can TOTALLY do this. The fun without the spiritual responsibility!