EVERYTHING is driving me crazy. I occasionally get like this where all background noise just makes my skin crawl. I am wearing headphones as a result.
I wonder if I could teach all day with headphones? That sounds like bliss right now, as I am in a similarly foul mood. Stupid Vicoden hangover.
Must be something in the air. I'm antsy and irritable too.
At least it's noon. One more hour until lunch.
oh except that I am snippy.
mad at myself is so much worse than mad at others, but today I am sick of both.
On Studio 60 I suspect that one of the problems they're having is
its hard enough to write edgy topical humor when you're commenting on things that are actually happening in real time -- and that part of the reason it is so effective is that people have been perseverating about those topics all day/week and you are now exposing their humor.
They're trying to make up a situation, make us care about it, then nail it comedically. Granted, they're using "events" that are very similar to actual events we've experienced -- but they're forced to be vague and one of the first rules of comedy is that specificity is funny.
I don't think the obstacle is insurmountable and I bet they find their way around it.
Oh, no they didn't. Where's my tinfoil hat at?
Oh, no they didn't.
They did it three times, actually.
Three lefts make a right.
Despite being irrationally grouchy last night, and then given rationale for increasing grouch, I do think I'm keeping quite calm. But my pants don't fit right, and I knew they didn't when I wore them out of the house. I'm also irritated that I don't have
black pants that fit right, despite having five pairs. The one pair that fit great? I accidentally washed and tumbledried. So they're a little...inviting. And need the hem repaired.
Yikes. I could go on forever.