Republic of Tea has a table.
Except that this:
The longer the tea leaves have fermented during manufacture, the greater their caffeine content.
Is really poorly worded. You can't increase a tea leaf's caffeine content by fermenting it, you can only concentrate it. Since fermenting dries out the leaves, a higher percentage of what's left is caffeine than before. But there isn't more caffeine in a fermented tea leaf than there is in an unprocessed one.
That page needs to be updated to take into account the influx of energy drinks. The market's mad right now.
A new energy drink named "Cocaine" has 280mg of caffeine.
They should come out with a drink that has even more caffeine and call it "Crank" or somesuch.
Which reminds me - I just cracked the hell up during that
episode where Homer becomes a truck driver and takes some "stay-awake" pills called "Stimucrank."
Wikipedia has an incomplete but more current list. Cocaine's fucked up, man. Easily 3x the caffiene of most of the drinks out there.
tommy, there's a Crunk!!! that's pretty caffeinated...
That list is so weird! Diet Pepsi has less caffeine than Diet Coke, but Classic Coke has less caffeine than Diet, too. Why, I wonder?
Classic Coke has less caffeine than Diet, too. Why, I wonder?
my guess would be that the sugar in Classic provides the addictiveness they want, but the artificial sweetener in diet doesn't, so they up the caffeine to create the same effect on consumers.
What I really have to do is figure out a lifestyle that will allow me to move to the Other Hemisphere from October to, say, March.
Oh, man, I am there. I'm listening to In a Sunburned Country right now (well, not literally right now) and I NEED to move to Australia. Beaches? yes. Barbecue? Yes! sunshine and desert? YES!
ION, I know people here like it and I don't want to be a jackass, but Bob and I are agog at how much we hate Studio 60 and yet keep watching it. Those sketches were AWFUL. We set up a pretend drinking game where each time we cringed in embarrassment we would take a sip. We were fake wasted by the fifteen-minute mark.
my office is freezing and I still find myself a little anxious for winter. I think just the winter clothes, but I already dread the winter commute.