Made home in one piece (thank God for my 5 minute commute) it is seriously pouring out there. Several inches of water on most of the streets, including the alley between my work building and its parking lot. That was a fun sprint, let me tell you. Saw some hail briefly, but it thankfully stayed away during my sprints from the building to my car, and then my garage to my house.
Seriously hope we don't have another tornado, as the only non-windowed room in my apartment is the very small closet.
Yeah, it's really hitting in the city now too.
Man, now we're being pelted with hail.
God is angry at us. Or maybe the ghost of Harry Carry....
Sorry, guys. That whole sharing is caring thing got drilled into me in kindergarten and I just couldn't help myself.
"Did you bring enough hail for the entire class city tri-state area?"
Poor kitty looked like he was wearing moon-boots and had a pom-pom for a tail.
Cats wearing uggs!
Ok, to people expecting email from me, I've reached the end of my rope dealing with my *#&Q@@(!*@#(! outgoing server, so the answers are thanks! plan on it! and yes. Though the yes is to a much older email. Anyway, will deal from work. But, roadtrip! Or train. Something like that.
Ok, to people expecting email from me, I've reached the end of my rope dealing with my *#&Q@@(!*@#(! outgoing server, so the answers are thanks! plan on it! and yes. Though the yes is to a much older email. Anyway, will deal from work. But, roadtrip! Or train. Something like that.
Am I one of those people?!?
does happy dance, just in case
"Heroes": Still loving it, but a quick note: Anybody else catch Marcie from "Invisible Girl" as the cop that arrests Mind Reading!Cop?
Keep dancing.
being oblique because of the )(*&#$@A%(*&$@# server.