Doppleganger came up in an infamous round of Balderdash. I didn't win that hand because I neglected the word "ghostly" in my definition.
My sister, OTOH, was a little further off the "double" part, but she remembered ghostlike, and so she got the requisite points.
I don't care that it was 8 or so years ago. I'm still pissed.
Unhappiness is discover that the hot water in the laundry room is rusty when you're doing a white load.
Also today, I got to go to an apartment where someone has skipped out on the lease and clean the disgusting bathroom.
Going back to bed seems more and more enticing.
Um, when what ails you is due to a lack of good sleep.
Yep. Cuz if it's bedbugs what ails you, bed no good.
I am so wanting to make blueberry pancakes. I wish I had the CI recipe for pancakes, all I have is a mix and some fresh blueberries.
In other news, I have successfully procrastinated writing leading to immense guilt. Um, go me?
In other news, I have successfully procrastinated writing leading to immense guilt.
Um, at least you could write "created immense guilt" at the head of your Done List for the day. Sometimes that's all I get to write down...
I am so wanting to make blueberry pancakes. I wish I had the CI recipe for pancakes, all I have is a mix and some fresh blueberries.
That's how I make blueberry pancakes -- mix up the Bisquik(TM), throw in the blueberries, and cook them up. Works fine.
I made JZ a raspberry blintz this morning.
Hec, how is JZ feeling? How's her recovery going?
Let's see....Her feet are very puffy still. We stare at their Flintstonian oddness in amazement. Her incision still hurts, but I ran down to the Walgreens in the Castro last night (24 hours) to pick up her pain meds. (It's kind of funny asking for Boudreaux's Butt Paste in the 24 Hour Castro Walgreens. "Oh, it's in the
aisle. That's not where I was looking for it." We were properly directed by a tranny Filipino wearing granny glasses on her night shift. Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence were working an event across the street.)
JZ's actually healing very quickly from the C-section, but I do try to pull her up from the couch when I can. The right breast is being reluctant about giving up the milk. We're doing hot compresses and she's in the shower now. Lots of pumping to get the milk going, but it still hasn't quite let down. We get some in the bottle with pumping, but we're augmenting with formula now over the weekend to get her weight up a bit. But Matilda is still breastfeeding.
Basically we're trying to get a lot of water into Jacqueline to flush the hormones which are causing her to retain water, and also keep her regular. She's had some big emotional swings but nothing that looks like post-partum depression. She's very smitten with the baby.
It was very long night last night with much crying (Matilda) and little sleeping (us). Matilda's mellow in the day, but up at night. So we've got to turn her clock around.
Lee's here now and snuzzling the baby (who is wearing a Sweatpea gown). Emmett and I will go out to play for a bit after the next feeding. JZ's Mom is coming later this afternoon.
Tomorrow's our first appointment with our new pediatrician. (Highly recommended, and was actually not taking new patients. JZ's boss made a little call and zoot - we are in. Curiously, Dr. Uba was a classmate of my friend Dr. Ann and all the other med students I knew when I first moved to San Francisco.)
Cute kids, David!
Allyson, it seems far too early in the day for
guilt. Unless you have major, unbreakable, afternoon and evening plans, I guess.
It was very long night last night with much crying (Matilda) and little sleeping (us). Matilda's mellow in the day, but up at night.
I She loves the nightlife, Ishe's got to boogie ...