Oh, no with the: ~. Bad Kristin and bad libkitty. You just sent my brain to craxyville (granted, it's a stone's throw, anyhow). But...you know, a lot of us use the ~ when posting our expressions of various types of ~ma, you know, like job~ma, car~ma. Could Zmaybaby be
He's also one of the main guys on Code: Kids Next Door.
Ben and Julia love Codename: Kids Next Door. Chris isn't as sure about it. A couple of years ago, he wouldn't walk through the room when it was on though, so he's come a long way.
Phewf, I'm tired. Mostly beat the house into shape today. All while running around and helping with the breast feeding and diaper changes and whatnot. Emmett turned out to be a huge help, since having an extra pair of hands around was extremely useful.
God, not only has he exceeded my expectations, he's exceeded my hopes by about a factor of five. Dude. When he heard about skin-on-skin contact, he had to do that too.
Hec, how is JZ feeling? How's her recovery going?
As for the baby: still extremely cute!
Of course!
I noticed Chumley spending way too much time in the litter box, and he also didn't appear from nowhere when I first put down food this morning. Could be nothing, but I'm going to have to keep an eye on him, since I'm wondering about urinary or bowel obstruction.
This post was brought to you by my free-floating anxiety....
Timelies all!
Finished cleaning up the house in preparation for having Erev Yom Kippur dinner here. Also, my MIL is staying over tonight for a variety of reasons.
(Something I didn't know until yesterday when she told me she had discussed this with G. I think I'm gonna have to have a little talk with G when he gets back from his business trip today.)
I slept for fifteen hours last night. I guess that's what happens when you sleep on the bed instead of the couch.
Oh, there were drag KINGS at this improv thing? Dude, I'll bet money I know some of them! I know a lot of the chicago people, good to hear they're out doing neat stuff! it sounds cool!
Is the eye twitch better, bon?
If I do nothing else today, I have to do laundry. So of course it's chilly and rainy and I got sucked into Pimp My Ride, and it's about to be an L&O SVU marathon, and do I want to get up and go outside? No I do not.
Eye twitch is good, back is good. So far!
Sleep in a bed is good for what ails you.
Um, when what ails you is due to a lack of good sleep.
Yep, Kings and Queens both. Meredith Melville/Matthew Anthony was the best of them. Also Lauren Ashley White/Blaine and Kate Lindberg/Master Chaz. Plus Queens Lady J and Aria (who Sail swears is a dead ringer for Sean Kozma).