I threw my back out earlier tonight for no apparent reason. I
that shit. However, the up-side to the pain is that I finally had motivation enough to clean out the tub and take my first bath in the new house. Fantastic. I've missed baths more than I realized. I also took muscle relaxers and three extra-strength aspirin. Alas, none of these various attempts to soothe the savage back appear to have worked, but at least I got to try out my bath foam.
t reads post over
This post brought to you by the Department of Trivial Details in My Life.
Am jealous of Matilda meetage and Emily having!
ETA: And I have to share that the punctuation geek in my brain keeps nicknaming her "Tilde". I will try to suppress this desire. ~~~~~!!!! Really. Done now.
Oh, I wasn't (and nor was my mom) disparaging Willems. Just teasing.
Am home after seeing a a drig king/queen musical improv with brenda, ChiKat and Sail. 'Twas fun. Also, nummy mojitos at dinner.
Oh, I wasn't (and nor was my mom) disparaging Willems. Just teasing.
I didn't think it was a disparagement. I was just commenting on how varied his career has been. He's also one of the main guys on Code: Kids Next Door.
Phewf, I'm tired. Mostly beat the house into shape today. All while running around and helping with the breast feeding and diaper changes and whatnot. Emmett turned out to be a huge help, since having an extra pair of hands around was extremely useful.
God, not only has he exceeded my expectations, he's exceeded my hopes by about a factor of five. Dude. When he heard about skin-on-skin contact, he had to do that too.
As for the baby: still extremely cute!
Loving on Emmett more and more every day. And that's unpossible!
No, Allyson. I have not. I'm accumulating a disturbing pile of DVDs still in their original plastic wrap.
Excellent movie, when you get around to it.
God, not only has he exceeded my expectations, he's exceeded my hopes by about a factor of five. Dude. When he heard about skin-on-skin contact, he had to do that too.
t cracks up
That's just unspeakable with the cute. Go Emmett!
That's just unspeakable with the cute. Go Emmett!
He's not quite the perfect nanny yet. After she was fed, he was holding her.
Emmett: "She's spitting up!"
Me: "That's okay. They do that. You spit up every meal you had for the first two years. I only bought shirts in the color of spitup. Is it a little or a lot?"
Emmett: "It's a lot!"
"It's like a tiny dribble. It's nothing."
Emmett: "It's making me feel sick. You better take her."
'Twas fun. Also, nummy mojitos at dinner.
Twas very fun and the "mojitos" were so nummy that tommy forgot they were actually sangrias.
Emmett: "It's making me feel sick. You better take her."
BWAH!!!!!!!! Sail and I both agree this is classic boy comments.