I think a trend is blue/black demin, maybe it's that.
Okay, my iPod is making me crazy. The b&w charge button is on, but it keeps fading from my screen. It should be charged anyway...it was hooked up to my computer all afternoon. I'm jsut going to leave it for a while and let it charge.
Okay, my iPod is making me crazy
Sue, my daughter's mini used to do that. When it happened she had to charge it using an electrical outlet not the computer and then it was all good.
Thanks Dawn, will switch to plug.
When one is mixing one's own scents with essential oils, can you just mix drops together until you get the proportion to your liking? Or do you have to add anything else to make them play nicely together, some sort of binding agent or something?
I just mix the essential oils. But then I have to be very careful to use the barest, tiniest smidge of a drop, or else I'm that person we've all been talking about whose scent is so strong that you can smell it for an hour after they've left the building.
That's why it can help to mix the essential oils in an unscented carrier oil, like almond or jojoba (basically whatever is in the bath stuff aisle of the store and labelled "body oil" will work). And some undiluted essential oils can be too harsh on skin, so, again, mixing them in a carrier oil is a good thing. I've never had the skin irritation problem with my homemade mix, though.
I reminded JZ that her whole entire body was all whackaloon with a massive hormonal shift and that this combined with less sleep and lots of extra stress was a potent combination.
Phone conversation? I mean, you're alive and have limbs sufficient to post.
Shiny. User called because they locked themselves out of an application. Never had to fix this before, couldn't locate the correct procedure, but found one that was close and was able to figure out the rest on my own. I feel all accomplished, even if it was pretty simplistic.
So Tuesday's PVP was pretty Buffista-esque, but Wednesday [link] and Thursday [link] keep it going.
In other TV news, I'm watching L&O:CI from the other day, and I heard a trace of a familar accent from Logan's new partner -- turns out, she grew up in Medford, Mass! Damn, I'm good.
She's like one of the first good young women they've hired in a while. I like her! I'll watch the Logan eps for her.
Aha! I was closing all my open tabs and I noticed this on ita's jeans:
• Overdyed Indigo Denim
They're probs blue with a black overdye.
Is it wrong that I switched on
the end of
GA just
to see McSteamy in his towel