Wow--GOP Representative Mark Foley quits after a brewing scandal about a very squicky e-mail he sent to a 16-year-old page hit the papers/blogosphere yesterday.
I was just coming here to post that. If it turns out that the Republicans lose 15 seats and his resignation makes control of the House flip over, I will laugh and laugh. Can you believe he was chairman of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus?
Though perhaps this explains his rationale in voting for DOMA, as the boys he apparently chases after would be too young to marry legally in any event.
Forget it, ita. It's Chinatown.
Forget it, ita. It's Chinatown.
And probably a cable movie just waiting to happen.
Favorite earworm of the day:
I make ya wanna jump! jump!The mack dad'll make ya jump! jump!
Timelies all!
I don't wear perfume anymore. I used to wear Chanel No. 5 when I got dressed up, but that was very rarely. Somewhere along the line I started getting...annoyed by perfumes. Not allergic to them, but they became bothersome. The summer student whose cubicle was about 10 or 15 feet away would occasionally douse herself with this vaguely tropical smelling body spray. I could still smell it when she was in another part of the lab because it lingered in the air. Bleah.
(I like scented body washes/shower gels, but they don't tend to stick with me the way perfumes do.)
My current earworm is Aluminum, but it suits my mood, so I'm fine with it.
It's bad when your doctor calls you after your physical and says they want more blood to test, right? Or is it normal when 3 big 'ol vials just aren't enough?
Also, blood taker lady made me look like a heroin addict after. I don't need that on the other arm or people are going to start to talk.
In college, all the guys wore the Abercrombie and Fitch cologne. There was a 16-year-old boy in a class I taught last summer who seemed to drench himself in Axe -- could smell it from practically ten feet away.
This makes him very fun to taunt at IHOP, by the way.
Sean: They're touching! They're touching!
[waves arms frantically in the air in the Kermit manner]
Emmett loves to dip his french fries into his milkshake.
My first girlfriend in college (this is back in '79) wore Opium - so I came to associate that scent with Yay Sex. Which got a little disconcerting as it became the eau du choice of middle aged divorced women shortly thereafter in the 80s.
Poor JZ got overwhelmed and stressed this morning with the breast feeding, leading to the kind of conversation that goes like this...
JZ: And I haven't had a shower and I haven't had a coffee and it's 11:30 and I need to
change my pad because I'm bleeding down the leg.
Me: Can you call the nurse?
JZ: The call button is on the other side of the room!
Me: Well...put the baby down in the crib for a second and get the call button.
JZ: She's got a good latch! I don't want to take her off.
Me: You have to put the baby down. Not just now, but as a general principle of parenting. Matilda will survive one minute of not feeding for you to call a nurse. And also, there's no magical latch that's going to make her learn nursing in one stroke. She'll get on the breast again later. Or eventually. But you have to stop putting off your personal maintenance or well being.
So, the Lactation Consultant was very good at helping JZ get the breastfeeding going with some nipple shields. Unfortunately, she also managed to make JZ feel like she was Doing It Wrong, and hence A Bad Mother. I think this might have been more an inference on JZ's part.
I reminded JZ that her whole entire body was all whackaloon with a massive hormonal shift and that this combined with less sleep and lots of extra stress was a potent combination.
And then I called back and said I'd stop the (extremely necessary, so much to do before tomorrow) housecleaning and come over.
Anyway. Matilda had two successful feeds while I was there, and Deb was visiting when I left.
Now I'm off to get Emmett and then we all go back to the hospital for our Celebration Dinner (special hospital meal. I get filet mignon.)
Tomorrow we'll check out about 11 or noon.
The people demand more Matilda pictures! So cute.
In other news, I am literally trying to catch flies with honey. I just had a mini-explosion of fruit flies in my kitchen. After ditching the offending fruit, what else should one do?