Vanilla latte:
What a great Friday! I just got this feedback on a presentation I did in class (appropriately enough on tagging, blogs, wikis, and participation inequality [thanks, Jessica!]):
Looking at my notes, you did very well. You brought in outside readings, engaged the readings, problematized the topic, and provided good analysis. We don't have hard-coded grades yet, but based on my notes, you received high marks.
Looking at my notes, you did very well.
Dangling participle alert!
problematized the topic
Er, what?
We don't have hard-coded grades yet, but based on my notes, you received high marks.
Go you!
Er, what?
I find myself thinking that often in this particular class. The prof is a young, ambitious type who seems more interested in showing us how smart he is than in actually engaging the class in the topic. Fortunately, my other class is really interesting and useful.
From Websters: To propose problems.
Woobify is a perfectly fine word. Problematized hurts my head.