Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.
[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.
Oh, juliana! We're going to need a bigger boat a lot more bubble wrap, clearly.
It's definitely an assertion of will thing.
One of the less pleasant stages of toddlerhood. It will pass, though, I promise. In the meantime, dig your heels in. And feel better! Poor thing. UTIs sound really awful.
{{{Raq}}} Feel better and tell Mal the Empress orders him to be nice today and go to bed like a good boy.
Cipro does a bang-up job with UTIs, and the other antibiotic of choice (Bactrim) actually has a larger side-effect profile. So I'm always all "Go Team Cipro!" when I get a UTI.
I can't take Bactrim, as the last time I had a UTI, I wound up getting a rash.
Should I get another, I suppose I'll be on Team Cipro. Yay?
Good to know, Jen! The doctor asked me, "How do you feel about Cipro" and I replied, "Love it! Take it all the time! Make Cipro ice cream!" so I guess that was the right response.
Gar. I just made the mistake of reading BabyCenter trying to get sleep advice. Now I'm all upset again about how retarded Mal is.
I'm also allergic to sulfa drugs, Plei, so I'm all about Team Cipro. I just must take it with food, or I am not a happy puppy.
Man, what a cool birthday day.
((Raq)) and ((Mal))
Teppy looks fantastic! very hot!
I was taken to lunch today as a thank you by some of the guys. We went to Applebee's that was running a costume contest for their employees. Your server gave you a ticket and you put it in a cup labeled with the server (or hostess or barback)'s costume. One was labeled "Ponyboy" but was crossed out and written underneath "T bird!" I love that someone thought of The Outsiders and would have voted for him based on that, instead our vote was cast for Raggedy Ann.
Raq, step away from BabyCenter. Mal is not retarded. He's figuring out how far he can push you to get his way. Sadly, that's kind of his job right now.
instead our vote was cast for Raggedy Ann
Aw! Raggedy Ann was one of my favorite costumes ever as a kid. I don't think Sara even knows who Raggedy Ann is, which is my fault, I guess.
Now I'm all upset again about how retarded Mal is.
Oh my gawds! That's totally it! Mal's retarded!
t /sarcasm
Sweetie, that is so not the case. Step away from BabyCenter. He's just being a toddler.
Oh, and since we teachers here at my crazy, all-girls school are strongly encouraged to dress up, so here is a description of my costume:
I am a princess.
No, wait, let me finish.
I'm wearing my black utilikilt with black leggings and black Chucks, a pink tiara, and a t-shirt that reads, "I can slay my own dragon, thank you very much." I have a stuffed dragon and a sword hanging off my belt.