"Have you tried leaving the TV or radio on for Dog's Name?"
The previous owner of our dog, Cody, used to leave the TV on for him. He loves watching the images. The only downside is if someone on the tv knocks on a door, he goes nuts barking. He doesn't realize it isn't a real knock.
Last friday Landlady-Upstair's dog barked for an hour and a half while she was gone. Today, said dog has already been barking for an hour. Beyond that, what do I say in the note?
Somehow there needs to be the implication that Something Will Be Done. Because some owners? Really oblivious to how annoying that darling little ones are being or they are just stupid.
Um, when I think of something actually helpful? I can post again.
Best of luck to DJ and her DH and well... all involved. Sticky situation.
Lots of ~ma to Matt's mom and Plei's mom.
I leave the music channel on for Bay. No tv knocking to make him bark.
Debet, is this a new thing or is Landlady-Upstairs just not gone very often?
Normally, she takes the dog with her, so there hasn't been a lot of opportunity before, I think.
Cass, you and I have the same brain.
Cass, you and I have the same brain.
So, do you share the same ability for self-injury?
Now that would just be cruel. What kind of world would do that to our Debet?
I, from time to time, rip up my hands, but not much beyond that.
I am feeling like a small pile of crap. Not a large one, but a small one.
Suzi, are the windows done? Are you allowed to be playing online? Don't you have chores to do?
If Bailey was barking for long periods of time while I was gone, I'd definitely want to know about it. Not only because I care about my neighbors but also because I care about my dog. I, personally, wouldn't need anything more said in the note other than what is happening and when. But in case your landlady is the type to Just Not Get It (and it sounds like she is, from past issues), you'll probably want to include a sentence about wanting the situation remedied asap.
Damn. A friend just called to say that her original Halloween costume idea just did a big 'ol crash and burn and she needs to come over to borrow some stuff for a last minute thrown together costume.
There goes my Day O' Leisure.
Crap. I need to go get Halloween candy, don't I?
Also, because I want to share the joy: [link]
It's verra addictive. But, you can share answers with other people, which helps keep the insanity somewhat at bay.