Poor Wee Ellie Bug of Sadness... I feel awful for finding that picture so darling. At least a little bad. Kinda. Gosh, she's cute.
I stabbed my finger while cutting open a roll and talking to my dad on the phone. He was less sympathic than I was hoping for. Something about how I should pay more attention when holding stabby things. Now my index finger is cleaned, bandaged and my typing has gone to hell.
libkitty, insent.
The Halloween costumes are really a perk of parenthood.
Bwah! C'mon Ellie, free candy!
The sucky thing about being that young is you get dressed up but a lot of the candy is still a choking hazzard.
Not big for her size, but I've still been thinking of her as a newborn and she's so clearly not!
It's disturbing for me and I see her every day. She's nine months next week and she's just itching to walk.
I stabbed my finger while cutting open a roll and talking to my dad on the phone. He was less sympathic than I was hoping for. Something about how I should pay more attention when holding stabby things. Now my index finger is cleaned, bandaged and my typing has gone to hell.
Those pictures are just too adorable for words! I hope she's more copacetic about wearing it when the real party comes. Heh.
It's actually quite ouch. It was a stab, not a slice so I am going to wrench the bandage off later tonight without risking a rebleed, but I expect that I will be putting Bactracin on it for a few days to ensure bug-free healing.
I also ran a shopping cart over/into my toenail earlier.
Seriously, who gave me a body without making sure my Human license was valid?
Cass, back away from the... everything that's not a stuffed animal or a cushion. Dude.
Oh, Elliebug. You are so cute in your ladybug costume. I'm sorry it vexes you so.
Cass, back away from the... everything that's not a stuffed animal or a cushion. Dude.
Seconded. Didn't you also roll a table over your foot?
Awww, Ellie is so very cute even when she's in tears. Poor baby.
Cass, back away from the... everything that's not a stuffed animal or a cushion. Dude.
Thirded, you are not allowed to touch stabby things anymore.
Nicole, insent.
When I was 12 and started tripping over tables and bouncing off door frames Mom said I would soon grow into my body. I'm still waiting. Hmm I wonder where
bruise came from?
Oh, I'm totally the pot to Cass's kettle. I've tripped over a foul line-
the painted line on the basketball court.
I've nearly broken a rib on a barstool, stepped in a mess'o'glass playing ball with my heels off (because with heels on is just stupid, barefoot at a bar is much, much better), punched a hole in a window, and burned my boob with a curling iron. And that's just the stuff I tell people about.
Cass, back away from the... everything that's not a stuffed animal or a cushion. Dude.
Are we back to the padded hampster ball for me?
Seconded. Didn't you also roll a table over your foot?
No! That was my thumb.