Nuts. My sis was supposed to come down tomorrow night after her concert. She's still coming, but now she's bringing a bunch of people with her. Which is fine, I like these people, and I'm sure we'll have a great time.
But it requires a fundamentally different level of cleaning to ready the place for non-family visitors, which means I've got a lot to do tonight.
Did they remind you to seal up all the doors and windows with plastic sheeting and duct tape? Because that might ease up on the amount of food and water you need to stock.
Did they remind you to seal up all the doors and windows with plastic sheeting and duct tape?
That reminds me, Winter's coming on. I have a couple of windows that need sealing...
Well, I'm not going home for Christmas. What a weird conversation with my parents.
Huh. Good thing/bad thing overall? I
Anyway, I did a bunch of calculations of this type and sent them to all my cow-orkers in an email with the subject line "If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me." One of them recgonized it as a BtVS quote! And said he'd be embarrassed to miss a BtVS ref. So hey! That's cool.
He single?
Well, I'm not going home for Christmas. What a weird conversation with my parents.
I've not booked anything yet, but since I'm NOW in Egypt I figure I'm good to go straight home at Christmas. Or - well, nearly straight home. My wee sister's talking about coming out to Bangkok in December, and then we could head back to the UK via Germany (she wants Christmas markets and all that, having spent
Christmas in China and pined for Christmassyness).
You'd still be very welcome Chez Jay for Christmas, though, even though I'm not clear on what day I'll be back in Blighty yet.
Good thing/bad thing overall?
You know, it's funny--I would have been pleased to go home. But I'm not not-pleased to be staying in this part of the world. I dunno. At least I don't have to deal with the big awkwardness of my younger sister.
My wee sister's talking about coming out to Bangkok in December, and then we could head back to the UK via Germany (she wants Christmas markets and all that, having spent last Christmas in China and pined for Christmassyness). You'd still be very welcome Chez Jay.
Oh, wow, that would be wonderful. Thank you. Erm, can I give you a tentative yes? I have to go through another country to come in to the UK, and I had thought about going to France because I've never been to France before. But I could just as easily go through Germany. or meet ya'll in the UK. Or something. I don't know. It'll work itself out, there's still time.
Matilda is already displaying a talent for physical humor!
Flurm is the favored soda of Fry in Futurama--it's an addictive soda that turns out to be the extretia of a blobby alien creature. So, it's sorta the same as newborn poop. I'm laughing my ass off at the term because it pretty much sounds like "fluuuuurm" when it's happening.
Also, side note to Hec & JZ: PAPER, ROCK, SCISSORS! Seriously, we still play for diaper changes. It's really the only fair way to decide.
No, that's Slurm, isn't it? But it's where my mind immediately went too.