Hmmm...not such an interesting story for PMM, but I had no Internet access this morning for several hours, which proved why cleaning is a bad, bad thing.
My friend, J, was over helping, and knocked out the little DSL adapter thing, and I had no phone or Internet till I was bright enough to figure it out.
BUT! Clean house! YAY!
So you better go back to your bars, your temples, your *massage parlors*
Aww. x-post. Love that song. Would kill to hear ASH do it.
Aww. x-post. Love that song. Would kill to hear ASH do it.
Hee! And me too. Though Murray is pretty kick-ass.
Anyone have anything especially entertaining or distracting to share, other than DR nekkid?
laces up corset, begins to shimmy
Aimee apparently would like naked Daniel Radcliffe at the F2F. Just what is the age of consent in Bangkok?
I feel almost certain that Daniel Radcliffe is over the age of consent in Bangkok. He's certainly over the age of consent in the UK. And Bangkok...well, the clue's in the name.
As I recall, the above the waistline parts of Fay are pretty kickin'.
I have rarely had complaints. Or maybe the speaker's voice was just too muffled. Hmm.
Meanwhile, wrt Shakespeare - I've seen a number of good productions of
Midsummer Night's Dream,
and a couple of excellent ones. It's not my favourite of the plays, but it's a good bums-on-seats show, and the final play-within-a-play can be fucking
I was weeping with laughter, literally, at the open air production I caught this summer in the Leeds Shakespeare Festival.
I need to find the photo I took of the Happy Endings massage parlor in Phuket, Thailand.
Welcome vroomvroom and Laga!
{{{Raq}}} Sorry about the late night.
I apparently messed up something in my back yesterday. Lots of no fun pain today.