trifle wellied
I think I need a translation this time.
'a trifle wellied' = 'a bit drunk'
Hi there, Buffy and...oh, crap. Other person whose name I have just forgotten, embarrassingly. Um. Anyway - hi there!
I'm in Cairo AIFG! Albeit it's the Eid, so everything's closed and quiet - but that's fine. I spent a happy couple of days hanging out with my friend N, and now I'm slobbing around my friend C's house. Plus, just before the Eid, I managed to hit the shops and pick up an assortment of Egyptian shiny things to take back to Bangkok with me. Go Team Me!
WOOOOT! F2F in New York!!
::Pssssst! I think you mean London::
Poor Raq.
Yay Fay!
t tacklehug
Sounds like the trip to Egypt is going well! Shiny things are good. And seeing friends is good.
::Pssssst! I think you mean London::
ijs. Cocktails. Shiny things. Cheap DVDs. Starbucks. ME.
ijs. Cocktails. Shiny things. Cheap DVDs. Starbucks. ME.
Aimee apparently would like naked Daniel Radcliffe at the F2F. Just what is the age of consent in Bangkok?
ijs. Cocktails. Shiny things. Cheap DVDs. Starbucks. ME.
I'm sold.
One night in Bangkok makes a tough guy tumble
Not much between despair and ecstasy
The internets are FAILING at keeping me entertained and distracted this morning.
What's up with that?
Anyone have anything especially entertaining or distracting to share, other than DR nekkid?
I get my kicks above the waistline sunshine.
OK, that's not necessarily good....
OK, that's not necessarily good....
As I recall, the above the waistline parts of Fay are pretty kickin'.
Therefore, it's all good.
Aimee apparently would like naked Daniel Radcliffe at the F2F. Just what is the age of consent in Bangkok?
You're right. I meant London.
And DR will be 18 in July 2007. The 23rd, I think. Wheee!