Oh, honey, no. You don't want to go there.
JZ, I picture you giving Hec the death glare and threatening to grow your hair to your waist.
(I shouldn't be so amused, I know. But I can't help myself. JZ's sassy sterness is just so cute and, well, sassy.)
My friend Laga joined the board recently. She's cute and geeky and loves the Whedonverse and many of the other shows we write about obsessively, so I have a feeling she'll fit right in. If any of you see her, would you say hi? Thanks.
A mysterious and timid monster crawls out of a hole covered in what seems to be Sudafed wrappers and used tissues. The monster also carries with it a slight aroma of Robitussin and TheraFlu. It speaks:
Congtatulations Jess and DH! YAY new babies!!
Monster crawls back into hole from whence it came.
Kristin, no Laga sightings here, but I'll be sure to be as warmly welcoming as my strange and off-putting personality can manage.
And in case Laga sees this, Hi! Laga, make yourself at home.
Laga has been sighted in Movies. Repeat, Laga has been sighted in Movies! Approach with caution.
Nap and drugs have not helped. Migraine still rages. Last night of current class and I have unfinished assignments due.
Kill me now.
Just to correct a mistaken impression.
This (former) Lutheran has never bred.
I can't, however, speak for others.
There's an underwriter for the Boston public radio station called Private Financial for Lutherans. And every single time I hear them acknowledged on the radio, I think of Teppy and her sink.
Greetings, borgers. I am in Texas. I have been offline since Wednesday night. It is MADNESS! (er, the offlineness, not the Texas part).
Drag king convention: good for ego, bad for actually getting any play. Sigh. But fun two-stepping, good performing, bad "are you a LEZ?" from a bartender, good getting him fired, good making new friends, bad really wanting play and not getting any, bad making fool of self in front of ex, over ex.
And now to do some catch-up...
Lots of health and head ~ma for Suzi and Aimee! Poor dears.