Gorgeous pattern! And I adore that bottle green color. Based on the up-close shot, I'd say you'd need either a purple top that matched the embroidery or a cream-colored shirt.
The embroidery is more pink than it looks in the picture. I think it is going to be a hard color to match. Cream washes me out, so I try to avoid it.
Gorgeous pattern. I am going to pretend that the embroidery is more the purple though cause I am stubborn like that.
Very cool, Nora!
The pink is hard to match and cream is no good? How about white or ivory or a pale beige?
The pink is hard to match and cream is no good? How about white or ivory or a pale beige?
I was thinking about a beige button down shirt (which I own) with a pinkish tank underneath to give some color and that way it doesn't have to match exactly.
That does sound nice, sj. I really like that skirt.
Just took Toto for a little walk to the post office box down the street. When we left, I realized I still had the main light on in the living room, and it completely wasn't necessary, 'cause plenty of natural light was coming in. So, I turned off the light.
When I got back it was like all the natural light had been sucked from the apartment. I actually wonder if we're about to get some rain or something. It's really dark in here. Had to turn the light back on.
In yummy news, I just remembered that I had Toll House mini cookie cookie dough in the fridge, and I stuck a batch of 20 cookies in the oven. Yummies soon!
Hivemind help, please? I think I got a piece of glass in my big toe back in August. (I think glass rather than splinter, because I never found a splinter, and a glass broke in my mom's kitchen a few days before my toe starting hurting.)
I tried to dig it out, Stephen tried to dig it out -- at one point there was a big honking hole in my toe. (It's in the fleshy part you step down on.) A callus has formed where it healed, but now it hurts again -- as in, I apply pressure by stepping down and I feel like a needle or other sharp thing is being driven into my toe.
What do I do? I don't want to attempt to get it out myself again, since that was *such* a success last time, but it seems dumb to go to the doctor for this. Any home remedies? Can I soak it out? ::adopts wee small voice:: Help?
AmyLiz, soak it is warm water and epsom salt. It should help to draw the glass out.
If it were me, I'd go to the doctor. I get fearful of infection and the like. Though, I run to the doctor for all sorts of things, so I am a big scardy cat. However, in my defense, my doctor is on campus and I don't have to pay a co-pay. Ahem, but we're not talking about me!