Mal: Does.. um.. does this seem kind of tight? Kaylee: Shows off your backside.


Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Ailleann - Aug 29, 2006 4:16:03 pm PDT #801 of 10000
vanguard of the socialist Hollywood liberal homosexualist agenda

My god. I think I'm about to buy a TiVo. Like, in the next ten minutes.

is scared

But! It's on sale! It will make my life easier! And I wants the preciousssss!!!

Quick, someone tell me how TiVo saved your life!

brenda m - Aug 29, 2006 4:17:47 pm PDT #802 of 10000
If you're going through hell/keep on going/don't slow down/keep your fear from showing/you might be gone/'fore the devil even knows you're there

One of us! One of us!

Once you go Tivo you never go back. It is Teh Love.

-t - Aug 29, 2006 4:20:37 pm PDT #803 of 10000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Dual tuner?

Ailleann - Aug 29, 2006 4:22:48 pm PDT #804 of 10000
vanguard of the socialist Hollywood liberal homosexualist agenda

180-hour box, dual tuner, 1-year prepaid, free wireless adapter, for $300. Sale ends Thursday.

brenda m - Aug 29, 2006 4:24:37 pm PDT #805 of 10000
If you're going through hell/keep on going/don't slow down/keep your fear from showing/you might be gone/'fore the devil even knows you're there

Do it. I love the dual tuner.

-t - Aug 29, 2006 4:30:06 pm PDT #806 of 10000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Oh baby.

Jealous now.

Buy it, Ailleann, you won't be sorry.

I regret that I have but one TV to hook up to a Tivo, and it's already taken.

Ailleann - Aug 29, 2006 4:50:52 pm PDT #807 of 10000
vanguard of the socialist Hollywood liberal homosexualist agenda

The TiVo, she is mine!

eta: btw, Hippo Birdies to meara and JenP, if they post in here? (the threads are blurring together as I try to catch up), and punctuation and ~ma for anyone else who needs it.

Emily - Aug 29, 2006 5:11:56 pm PDT #808 of 10000
"In the equation E = mc⬧, c⬧ is a pretty big honking number." - Scola

Second day of classes is over. Tell me why I wanted to do this again?

SuziQ - Aug 29, 2006 5:13:18 pm PDT #809 of 10000
Back tattoos of the mother is that you are absolutely right - Ame

Emily - I was just thinking about you and wondering how it was going.

Emily - Aug 29, 2006 5:14:22 pm PDT #810 of 10000
"In the equation E = mc⬧, c⬧ is a pretty big honking number." - Scola

Apparently the second day is worse than the first. It... was bad.