Laura, your son is huge and quite handsome! Even with orange and green hair!
Dill Pickle!
Oh, yum! Dill pickle potato chips are readily available in the South and somewhat available around here. I loves them, yes I do.
Money talk is good because I am fairly limited in my knowledge. I have a wee bit of savings (about 2 months worth of living expenses) and a 401K that's in good shape, but that's it. My biggest concern right now is quitting my job in Jan. to student teach. My mom is helping out significantly (yay, Mom!), but it is still nervous-making. I've been financially self-sufficient since I was 22 and graduated from college so it seems very strange to be needing money from Mom.
ING rocks.
I totally had the same Hobbesian picture of Olivia, and it was very cute. Sorry to hear about Owen being difficult, though.
Americans don't like butter on sandwich bread? I totally missed that.
I admit that I was startled the first time a British friend made me bread and honey with butter between the bread and the honey--but it tasted okay. To my friends, if you were putting anything on bread, you had to put butter on first. For me, you needed something between the bread and any solid filling, but not necessarily between bread and other spreads.
I've always liked butter on bread. I didn't know that it was UN-AMERICAN to do so!
Dill pickle potato chips are readily available in the South
I think I'd be willing to try this.
Fried dill pickles, OTOH, no so much. K-Bug and I discovered these on a menu when we were in Denver. We each dared eachother to try it, but we both whimped.
ION - still feeling human.
I've always liked butter on bread.
Me too.
And when I was a kid, my mom would put butter on bread and then spread honey on it. I haven't done that in a while, though.
I have pancakes and bacon!
Oh. My. God. WHY have you not taken me to Ti Couz?!?!? All the times I'm schlepped my ass out to your fair city, and I've been denied crepes such as these?!?!?!?
Steph, I think we need to correct this, so obviously, you need to come visit.
The Boy and I have tossed around the idea of a trip, but neither of us really have any vacation time left, so it's doubtful we'd get out there before 2007, when new vacation time kicks in. But maybe a miracle will occur....
no minimums. The terms of an ING account are generally so awesome, I am occasionally suspicious of why it is so awesome. But we've had accounts with them for a few years and nothing's come to bite us in the butt. I assume the springboard into other financial products (CDs, IRAs, etc) covers the savings-as-gateway drug. They do mortgages too.
I've always liked butter on bread. I didn't know that it was UN-AMERICAN to do so!
Also, I love fried pickles. I et them up the one time I was in Memphis. Those folks fry everything! And deliciously, I might add.
The terms of an ING account are generally so awesome, I am occasionally suspicious of why it is so awesome.
Yes! I mean...WHERE ARE THE STRINGS? I'm so confused.