Cindy, the deduction is pretty recent - maybe the last three or four years?
My loans originally started at 8.5 or so, but in the consolidation frenzy of the past five years, there are some much better rates available. I think I now pay 4.5, which has made things much less of a burden.
It seems to me that when I was paying off my student loans, there was no deduction at all, but I could be uphill-in-wintertime-barefooting that memory.
They made student loan interest deductible the year after I paid off all my loans.
Oh, those BASTARDS.
I have overdraft protection through my savings account at the bank. They charge me $3 to transfer funds to cover overdrafts. Apparently, that doesn't count debit transactions. So, last night, they cleared 2 checks THEN the debit transaction, which they bounced and charged me the $25 overdraft fee. They're so getting a call when they open!
Also, now I want a Pumpkin Latte.
I know that rates went up recently. My SiL was scrambling to get a consolidated with a lower rate about two months ago.
I've always considered student loans "good debt", too and haven't worried too much about getting them paid off quickly (but we only had one small one and the interest rate was under 6%).
Olivia has perfected a screaming banshee leap attack on Owen. Whenever he takes a toy from her, she raises her hands in a clawing motion, screeches loudly, and flies towards him. It's freakin' priceless.
The lack of pumpkin and Halloween might be the only thing that turns me off of Ireland.
Halloween is actually getting bigger here.
Let's not talk about student loans so I can pretend I don't have to start dealing with them in January.
My SiL was scrambling to get a consolidated with a lower rate about two months ago.
Yeah. I think the deadline was July 6 or something.
Olivia is only 8 months, right? She seems very mobile. Casper was only able to sit and fall over a lot, and kind of scoot backwards and get stuck under furniture, at that age.
My dogs killed a bird in our house this morning. I have no idea how it got in. It was so cute and little. The only good things was it was just feathers, no guts.
....Holy crap, there's another one. IT started flying around as I was typing above. The dogs are outside - now I just have to get this oune out of the house.
Olivia is only 8 months, right? She seems very mobile. Casper was only able to sit and fall over a lot, and kind of scoot backwards and get stuck under furniture, at that age.
Ayup. And it's scary! When she started crawling over a month ago I wasn't too worried. But then she started pulling up on everything and toppling over stuff and climbing on top of Owen. She pulls herself into standing a lot. She's way more mobile than Owen was at the same age. It's not right, I tell ya! I thought I had more time with less mobility.
Some of it is her individual development but I think she also gets more opportunity to explore on her own and has Owen as an example. I was so worried about him being on the floor, that he spent a lot more time in the exersaucer, etc. Since everything is still baby proofed, it's easier to let Liv go on the ground and she's making the most of her time.
Speaking of the kids--they're done with breakfast and we've got to get dressed and get to toddler zone.