Raq! I need to report that Matilda is wearing her Perfectly Normal Human Worm Baby Zim onesie today. Fits!
JZ took her out in the stroller.
Emmett and I have a running joke (derived from multiple cartoons, probably dating back to something on the Simpsons) whenever there's roughhousing and minor injury we clutch vaguely at our respective abdomens and cry out, "My Spleen!" (Everybody does this, right?)
Anyway, I feel that way about my kidneys this morning.
hits head with fist
I hate feeling like an awful son. My mom gave me some dates for me to come home for Christmas, and I checked to see that I was free, and I was, and now she wants me to take two extra days off so that I also get the weekend and New Year's in there. I would get five extra days, she says.
But how do I tell her that
I don't want to spend five extra days with them?
I want time for
I suck.
Emmett and I have a running joke (derived from multiple cartoons, probably dating back to something on the Simpsons) whenever there's roughhousing and minor injury we clutch vaguely at our respective abdomens and cry out, "My Spleen!" (Everybody does this, right?)
Um, yeah, I actually do do that. I think it's from
The Simpsons,
Since I have no spleen, due to a sledding accident at age 12, any mention of spleens causes DH and I to instantly do a take where we stare at each other with horrified expressions, sometimes accompanied by audible gasps before turning back to the screen. We've got it down to a science. Good times, good times.
But how do I tell her that I don't want to spend five extra days with them? I want time for me. I suck.
Well, if you suck then I do too, as well as a lot of people I know.
Can you come up with some plans in SF during that time, so you don't have to lie to her?
Or tell her that with the new job, you are loathe to take too much time off. Or that with you being so new, the more senior people of your staff have first dibs at holiday time off.
"My Spleen!" (Everybody does this, right?)
But of course -- or we use the alternative "My squeedaleespooch"
I don't want to spend five extra days with them
P-C, just tell her the two extra days off aren't do-able from a work-load point of view???? Other than that? I got nuthin'
But how do I tell her that I don't want to spend five extra days with them? I want time for me. I suck.
First off, you don't suck. It's okay to want time for yourself. Second, if it were me, I wouldn't tell them. I'd just tell them I couldn't get the extra time off. That way, you get the time you need without hurting their feelings. But I lie to my parents in those sorts of ways with regularity, so I don't know if my lying ways would suit you.
Tell her that you're dating a nice Indian girl from your region with an appropriate value system and you can't come home on those days because you might be getting a special doctorate that week.
...also anybody working over the holidays gets a special bonus and you want to spend it on all of your young female relatives.
After the holidays claim a spleen related injury ate up your bonus.
::wonders what would happen if Hec and P-C switched brains before P-C went home::