I didn't think it was that hard to sex kittens, but it must be.
That's so funny. I've always been able to ID kitten sex at a glance. Well, unless there was a lot of fuzz. Haven't been wrong so far, anyway. So I don't understand how anyone could have such a problem with it.
I could just have a flower to stick in the gun of war. The way the hippies stopped the Vietnam war.
Sent nice Letters of Thanks to Job #2. Had to find address for HR Rep on the net, but fortunately, as Betsy has said, Google is a mighty fortress. They'd be good, they have more $$ than #1. I dunno if they'd be as nice, though.
Sophie plays fetch! She figured out that if she brings me a toy, I will toss it for her and she gets to race after it. Her favorite toy right now is a pipe cleaner, and she trots purposefully around the house with her prey clutched in a mighty grip. So much fun! Gracie is growling at her right now, and that's not so FG.