Oh, how I missed you! I had to leave the house before checking in. Such a tragedy!
Yay Aimee!
~ma for Suzi and mom.
Toto had to go get poked this morning. He was NOT a happy camper. He ran when the tech initially poked him, and so he had to be poked again. But when she rubbed the spot afterwards, to help the apparently cold vaccine disburse, he looked like he was on the happy drugs. It was so cute!
Not enough that I can't access y'all from home right now - I couldn't get to you guys from here!!! WOE! PANIC!
Um, I got nothin' else.
juliana! Re Zazie, YES.
BRILLIANT. Please to be expecting email soon.
Ahem. I switched to a slightly darker roast in my coffee, and I think it's making me even more overly dramatical. Hmmm.
The board was down and I totally missed it because I was working? Cool beans for me!
Jobsite needs a database in the worst way. Reports are generated by cutting and pasting from one Excel spreadsheet to another, and then they're saved in three separate locations. I foresee lots of ways for undetectable little mistakes to accumulate. Plus, typing numbers on a laptop keyboard when you're used to that nice 10-key pad? Takes time. However, everyone is pleasant, and that's a BIG plus in Katieland.
How to stress: Have an interview for a prestigious job that occurs on the second day of your employment. Get stuck in traffic for more than an hour and take two full hours to get there, and then arrive breathless, sweaty, and almost late. Oy.
Jobsite needs a database in the worst way. Reports are generated by cutting and pasting from one Excel spreadsheet to another, and then they're saved in three separate locations. I foresee lots of ways for undetectable little mistakes to accumulate.
My boss and I were just talking the other day about how few business people actually understand databases. There's this guy in one of our clients' offices who created a report in Access - he set it up so each time the report was run, the user had to re-enter a bunch of info by hand. So we were telling him, "Dude, that's even worse than doing it in Excel."
Plus, typing numbers on a laptop keyboard when you're used to that nice 10-key pad? Takes time.
You can plug one of those in to the side of your laptop and make life easier on yourself. They're pretty cheap.
Yeah, typing numbers on the laptop keyboard brings me to a halt. I use an external whole keyboard most of the time.
Yay for new kitty!
Oh, dear. A woman just called into the radio station to announce the birth of her twin nephews and ask for their first country song to be played for them.
Their names? Logan and Lex.
Something tells me mom enjoys a little CW.