Laura, the pictures are beautiful. I'm sorry you didn't get there one more time, but am glad you didn't have to evacuate there.
We didn't go to Maine so much for leaf peeping purposes (although we got it, incidental to the drive). Mum closed up the cottage for the winter, this weekend, so we helped with the heavy stuff, and we'd been promising the kids one more weekend before the cottage got closed up, so it was this weekend or bust. We didn't go up until Saturday afternoon.
IO(not really)N: I think Imma hafta pee on a stick when I get home.
Oh! May you see whatever colors or lack thereof you want to see, Daisy Jane.
I've never had a false result with Clear Blue Easy, for what it's worth.
Wishing you the best outcome, Daisy Jane.
Cindy is your cottage in York Beach? I feel like we've discussed the skee ball there.
I have one somewhere around the house. No idea what brand. Co-worker wants me to go buy one at lunch because she doesn't want to wait to find out until tomorrow.
I won't really see Mr. Jane for any length of time until Wednesday night, though I suppose I could go up to the bar.
I employ constant vigiliance by staying out of areas where I have to worry about things like leeches. /city slicker
Cindy is me.
Went to wedding, danced like a crazy thing to "Push It" and Pet Shop Boys' "Go West" and had a great time. Yesterday we went to the homebrew store and got fixins for a porter. today I went to the dentist and had lots of work done over the course of an hour and a half. That part sucked, but the rest of it was pretty good.
You realize that now *we* want to know as soon as possible now too, yes?
I hope you get the color /symbol / result you wish for...
Okay, Nicole is kicking my ass into the shower now that she is awake. Something about how I have to put on makeup and do my hair... She's a harsh pimp.
Cindy is me.
See! I've been saying she was a hoax for years now!!!
JZ! How are you?
Sadly, I'm feeling bitchy and sullen and really wanting to kick today to the curb. Matilda's been alternately grumpitous, clingy and waily since 3 a.m., when she worked herself into a swivet of frantic hunger and forgot how to nurse. After Hec soothed her to sleep, she woke at 7 and has been feeding almost continuously since then. She won't go down for more than 2 minutes at a time. I feel horrible for her distress, but I'm smelly and dehydrated and drained (and simultaneously engorged from the feeding she missed, but her suck isn't strong enough to drain it off and I can't put her down long enough to pump). I've had half a cup of coffee, half a bowl of cereal, no meds, and no shower. Her goopy eye is getting worse and I wanted to go to the walk-in clinic at UCSF, but now that it's past nine the wait will be beastly.
Also, it turns out my insurance made an utterly fucking stupid error WRT certifying Matilda's and my hospital stay, which it's now my and my doctor's responsibility to fix. Also, due to the bed rest I have substantially less vacation time than I thought, and when I do go back to work I'm going to be docked 40 hours pay because they overpaid me at my last paycheck. I have to go in to my personnel office today to sign a shitload of paperwork that somehow didn't get signed when I went in last week. Also, infant day care at work for two days a week? $734 a month. I couldn't bear to look at the rate for a full 5-day week.
And now one end of my incision is looking pink and raised and kind of hard and tender to the touch, so it's probably all moot because my intestines are going to explode any minute now.
The Whiniest Bitch In Upper Bitchonia
Oh, JZ, that all sucks so very, very hard. I'm sorry for all of it. And I think you are very pretty.