Cass - at least your cat will try to pose. My dog is camera shy. He will put his ears back and cower away from a camera. He then slinks around the edge of the room either to his kennel or some other place to hide.
I've tried sitting on the floor with him and the camera to let him sniff it. It doesn't matter if the flash is off, just raising it to take a picture has him off cowering.
Our cat on the other hand, is a camera slut.
Must. Finish. Homework.
ION - I'm a mean mom. CJ has been underfoot, getting in trouble for little things, and finally uttered those famous words - I'm bored.
CJ - meet Magic Eraser. Magic Eraser - meet walls.
I think we got one cute picture of Puppycat from all of that. And many where she looks like she found the crazy crack.
She won't stay still for the pictures. She sees the camera and the person and wants to be petted and rolled around and to touch noses and to do Anything But Stay Still. Good thing she is cute.
Suzi, you are wonderfully evil!
I still have a really bad cold here. I was up most of the night last night feeling crappy. I hope it passes by tomorrow.
Ah-ha! The dog has not figured out camera-phones yet. We may yet get a reasonable picture of Cody.
Hola Bitches!
I've missed a month's worth of birthday greetings, anniversary wishes, even marriage congrats! You were on my mind, but I've been in lurk mode. I have sucked the thread and skimmed to picture links because we are very pretty, and we make very pretty babies too.
Warm wishes to those denied adequate heat. I still have plenty of hot sun to spare.
Yay Katie! Enjoy the new job.
Very busy, but that is not unusual. I'm going to try and catch up a couple times a day and stop being a lurky stranger.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Anyone seen the gothy Harry Potter boy? Cause if asking about him summons him, I am all for it.
So, you know when historic things happen and gentrification trashes classic clubs? Yeah, that sucks.
So, when that happens sometimes people drop by CBGB to look around and say good-bye.
And sometimes someone overhears that there is going to be a press show the next day before final show...
And every now and then, since that person had actually been really nice to the guy at the door (and just asked to come in and look around instead of giving him ENDLESS grief about trying to get on an IMPOSSIBLE list) the door guy tells her all the specs for the people with press credentials.
Now, if that sweet someone is a BUFFISTA she has a friend with press credentials and a fondness for punk who gets up at the crack of dawn and drives to NYC and gets them into the pre-show.
Someone just got back from seeing Patti Smith with Victor and Lea. Let the mad mad jealousy begin.