Hey sleepless one, what do you use to tint your eyebrows? Is there something you can buy?I use Bigen and the box specifically says not to use it on lashes (which even *I* wouldn't do) or brows. It's Japanese and I get it at Sally's Beauty Supply. It's a powder that you mix with water to activate so I can make just enough for my brows. I bought a pack of mascara wands, mix a little bit of the coloring thickly and brush it on.
Do you think your sleep habits are messing with your sleep window? I know I used to stay up too too late, and then couldn't sleep. And when my kids were babies and toddlers, sometimes, when they were overtired, they had a harder time falling to sleep than on regular nights.I know they are. I need to start getting to bed earlier and also try to figure out how to take advantage of being sleepy when just going to brush my teeth seems to break the sleepy spell. And the overtired seems to make it impossible to fall asleep.
I'm just wondering if you'd saved the brow and hair stuff until today, and gone to bed when you were wound down, if you would have had a better night.Likely. I seriously should have waited. But I did go and clean the kitchen after posting, shot the cat and then fell asleep finally.
Nicole and I stopped at the market on the way home from Multnomah Falls and the Columbia Gorge and stocked up on logs for the fireplace, yummy snacks and the makings of a fantastic breakfast tomorrow. We are now in inside clothes and watching the BSG miniseries. Puppycat is sacked out in front of the fire and in her happy place. Soon we shall have wine as well.
Matilda is lovely and quite pretty. As is JZ's bro actually.