Hey sleepless one, what do you use to tint your eyebrows? Is there something you can buy? My mum wants her eyebrows done, but the facial place near her doesn't do it, and her hairdresser doesn't do it.
Do you think your sleep habits are messing with your sleep window? I know I used to stay up too too late, and then couldn't sleep. And when my kids were babies and toddlers, sometimes, when they were overtired, they had a harder time falling to sleep than on regular nights. I'm just wondering if you'd saved the brow and hair stuff until today, and gone to bed when you were wound down, if you would have had a better night.
Hi insomniacs! It's creeping on two here, and I'm trying to decide if I want to punk out and watch BSG all afternoon or go out and try to attempt actual writing.
AmyLiz, Sara is so gorgeous! And entirely too big. I think "baby" in my mind and click on a full grown girl child.
Pretty Sara! I can't believe how BIG she is! Buffistas babies need to stay babies. Ok. No, not really. That would be boring. But, still!
Poor Cass. I hope you're sleeping now.
It is COLD here. I think our Indian Summer is over.
Wah! I went to check "On Demand" and neither c.s.i. nor Numbers from these week are there. Oh well.
And congratulations Katharina B.
Yay! Just talked to Jars! We're on for tonight. W00T!
Hey val, mention to her that I said cheetos, okay? And that's totally tongue in cheek. *g* Have fun! She's awesome and I can't wait to have her back here.
Oh! and if you can think of any americany food to send back with her for me I will thank you a million times over. while Steph has routinely shot me down when I asked her to send me taco bell, I'm sure there's something I'm missing that I can't think of immediately.