No one at the food court at the local mall sells corn dogs?? My midwestern self sits here in amazement.
Not that I've noticed, no. If they do, they're not notably "corn dog" focused vendors, and aren't pushing them; they're probably vendors that sell a lot of stuff I'm not eating. Then again, I hate malls, so I'm not there much. Usually there are Chinese and other Asian food places, McDonalds, Sbarro, Au Bon Pain, Cinnabon, and the like.
I know, but I'd want to try a real one, first, you know? This was the first time I've seen one in person.
Gotcha. And how was the fair? I really wanted to go last weekend, but was fearful of the number of people. I haven't been to a good fair, though, in YEARS.
OMG! Is this "kill the Bitches with cute kid pictures" day? Lily is absolutely adorable!
Moooooom!! I want a cute baby!!
Liv! Owen! Pirate Lily!
::falls down ded::
You were making a big deal about oranges.
That never ends well. In Coppola movies, at least.
Between Liv and Lily, I am daid. Stone daid. How I am typing now, I do not know. Perhaps they are beautiful enough to self-ressurect.
Moooooom!! I want a cute baby!!
Oh my gods, that expression is priceless.
The radio traffic lady just said it's a "leaf peeking weekend." I'm 12.
I got to the part where you and I and Corb were trying to smuggle more food into our packs. You were making a big deal about oranges.
Well, we don't want to get scurvy. I will now imagine that Corb was riding a Morgan, I was on a quarter horse/paint mix, and you were on an appaloosa.
OMG, the Dread Pirate Tickybox. And Em! And Liv, and Owen!
You people made cute kids.
you were on an appaloosa.
HEee! That's my favorite horse! How did you know that???