Well, I figured out where my job~ma went awry. My sister just got offered a job that she really wanted and needed. Her same org, but a much more career-building position. Though I'm convinced she'll rock at it, she really didn't have quite the experience they were looking for, but applied and interviewed on her boss's recommendation. So it's really a big sign of faith in her that she got it, which she needed. (Frankly, my ego is more up to the hit, no matter how it might seem when I'm moping around her.)
(Got another interview call this am though, so I'll be reclaiming that ~ma for the next little while.)
Happy birthday, Cashmere!!!
makes me look like I have a waist (which I don't).
That's the beauty of the wrap dress (or shirt) -- if you have a waist, it really shows it off, and if you don't have a waist, it gives you one.
Then, it drapes past my hips/butt and does not cling.
Color me jealous. I can never find wrap dresses that don't cling to my hips/butt.
Hey, Cashmere!
Happy birthday!
This is the dress I have. I think it's just constructed really well:
It ends up being too low cut for work, so I wear a camisole under it.
I have a wrap dress that I love. I'm a squat column with a big, undefined waist and proportionately smaller hips/butt. It clings in the rack area (good) and makes me look like I have a waist (which I don't). Then, it drapes past my hips/butt and does not cling.
I am soooooo going to try one on now.
Puppycat is playing with Nicole and has taught her the "Oops, I falled down" game and Attack the Squid (and maybe your feet since they are Right There as well) and nothing makes a dumb cute cat happier.
Aside: I can't read/use the word camisole without thinking of the old Sylvia cartoon that was one of the "School of Writing" episodes that asked the word to be used in a sentence and the punchline is "I camisole I went." Also, the word falafel, same set up, punchline is "I falafel my chair..."