Weird. My dad just called to say how sorry he was about the whole job thing. And my brother just emailed, too.
There's nothing wrong with that, of course. It's just - not our way. Huh.
But he has promised to bring the dog back on Friday, yay! I took her up this weekend but ended up taking the train back on Monday. But now it's quiet here...toooo quiet.
(Probably the funniest part of the conversation was that it didn't seem to have even occurred to him to do that until I brought it up.)
What idiot thought it was a good idea to make Lou Pinella an announcer?
I finally uploaded a picture of the balloons today. I meant it to show quantity but it doesn't really show how cool they looked. [link]
Damn, that's a lot of balloons.
The professor that I'm TAing for sent me an email a few days ago, asking if I could help grade the midterm, which will be tomorrow. He said that he understood if I wouldn't have time, but if I couldn't, then could I at least proctor the exam? He said that he could leave the copies of the exam with the department secretary.
I replied that I was still kind of behind on grading homeworks from when I was sick, so I didn't think I would have time to grade the midterms also, but that I'd proctor the exam. He didn't reply to that message. Also, as of 5 PM today, he had not left the exams with the secretary. I sent him another email tonight, asking what was going on. No response yet.
The exam is at 8 tomorrow morning. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.
Fuckity. The A's lost.
OTOH, we saw a flash of Suzi in the crowd, and moments later the phone rang -- Emmett, calling from his mom's house, to say, "Hey, that was Suzi! Did you see her?" Clearly, the Name-That-Cool-Grownup flash cards are working.
Fuckity. The A's lost. say that like it's a bad thing....
runs away to Tiger Den
Will someone come put away all my clothes for me?
They're clean, I promise.
ha - no one puts away my clothes. Wash ,dry ,fold, I do it. put away - it takes a great will or way too much chaos.
the other two chores I hate with the same passion are
vaccuuming ( which I have no idea if I spell right , or care if I do)
shredding paper
Just set my alarm clock for 7. I figure I'll get up in time to get to the office, check my mailbox for the exams, and if they're not there, stop by the classroom to see what's going on.
I will, however, be seriously pissed if it turns out that he didn't need me to proctor the exam, and I got up an hour and a half early for nothing.