-ma for Gloom's GF's dad.
ita, insent.
Baby's asleep. She looks like a little doll all bundled up.
I'm gonna have to rouse her though since I'm making an outing to the laundromat.
It's nice to have a stroller again and Indian Summer days for talking Matilda out on walks.
Have skipped in a most egregious way, but I'm in library somewhere near Boston. Am not dead. No internet in the house though, which is close enough.
I want to work in Australia: [link]
GC, vibage in a major way.
GC, I hope everything is majorly minor for your GF's father.
I just dropped you a line, and reading about your metadata class reminded me--I like what you did for that assignment, and what stands out most is switching the volume so that the text for humans was shorter and punchier, and the text for full text systems was very thorough. Much better way round.
Brenda, that does suck. The closer you get, the bigger the sting.
Good thoughts to all who need them, and some extra for all who want them.
ita, you're in the system.
That sounds ominous, but is not. Thanks, Betsy!
GC, all sorts of ~ma flowing to your GF's father.
ION, my boss is driving me crazy. She's made me tell faculty from other departments "no!" when they asked a certain question for 2+ years. An unpleasant task each and every time. Now someone has asked the question who she knows, and she wants to tell them "yes!" because she can't stand to tell them "no!"
My problem with this is the way she Plays Favorites and then tries to pretend she doesn't. Fairness, not her strong point.
Why why why do I read the comment boards of the local conservative papers? They only make me angry. Still, I have better thoughts of my neighbors for reading what they're saying about Foley et al. My neighbors are still social Neanderthals when it comes to gay rights, but they have basic civilization pretty much down.
Connie, Tom Metzger is living in his deceased mother's house in my home town. My home town newspaper regularly gives this human crotch stain lots of free ink in their editoral page. I had to stop reading it or I'd go insane.