tommyrot, do you have the pictures from our get-together last weekend? I want to post pictures in my LJ scrapbook of that weekend, but wanted to get yours first, so I have them all in one place.
Oh, sorry - they're on my Mini at home. I'll post them after work.
eta: And once I post them, let me know if you want larger versions of them.
Don't be sorry! I just thought I'd ask. Thanks!
I know that's not what it is, but Bitch Spray always makes me think of a little doggie can of Mace.
Gronk. I was up for 2 hours in the night and just when I drifted off to sleep, my cat threw up. Twice. So I got up again to clean it. Did I mention GRONK?
Weekend was half crappy and half good. I don't know if I mentioned it here, but GF's dad has been diagnosed with acute leukemia. He's in a pretty deep depression and not wanting to leave the house. We went to their house on Saturday, which is all torn up as they are in the middle of a kitchen remodel. We tried to get him and her mom to come over last night for a big pot of chili and to have apple cider and cookies while we (GF and I) decorated the house for H'ween. He wasn't up for it, and her mom's not pushing it. We think she should, but that's another story.
The good part was BSG Friday night and the above mentioned decorating of the house last night. Tonight is school. Yay!
Aw, I didn't mean to kill the thread. No more depressing talk - I swear!
Okay, here is a Bitch project:
Tell me what the hell the lyrics of "Cobrastyle" by Teddybears are. Because I think they're not in English.