Here - a bit of "My Daughter, the Unintentional Comedienne". Em had a pretty rough morning right after waking up for whatever reason. Didn't want to use her potty, didn't want a diaper on, waffle took too long to cook. Crying, sobbing, tantrum. Finally, she got her waffles and was calmed down and Joe says, "Well. Good morning to you, too, Emeline."
Em pointed her waffle at him and yelled, "NO GOOD MORNING!"
Em pointed her waffle at him and yelled, "NO GOOD MORNING!"
Has MM got her addicted to coffee
Because that is me when I first wake up as well.
I don't think so, although she CAN identify it.
Aimee, that kid is wicked smart. She's bright and attentive and curious. She a precious treasure, and you and Joe are wonderful parents.
loves on Seanie
But it's said, "Wickuhd Smahht".
I don't think so, although she CAN identify it.
Such the
Does she know how to make it to your liking yet? Because kids fetching your coffee is a handy bonus to procreation.
YAY! Jen, did they stich her, staple her, or tape her? Did she say?
You know we never answered that question, Aimee. But Dr. Shoo actually
glued JZ's incision shut. No shit. Glue.
Also, I used to live in Echo Park. Just up on that hill above it on the north side.
From far back from MFNLaw
"You Are a Fraud and Why on Earth Would Anyone Want to Be Your Friend?"
Please! Whenever you worry about that, think about how much effort I go through just to have dinner with you!! ;)