Morning. Thank God for Vicoden, that's all I've got to say. I fell asleep about three nanoseconds after my last post and was blissfully pain-free all night.
Need to clean the house before 2 when landlady T. has her property housewarming party. It's 11. Suppose I should be getting up now, huh?
I have a little headache. Possibly from not drinking caffeine yesterday. Plus, I'm hungry because I've been up for HOURS - something like 6 and haven't eaten yet.
Also, I have to buy groceries and am damn near broke.
Hate this part of living.
It's a beautiful day here too. Teacup Guy and I went to an art festival with Mom and then out for a big breakfast. Now Mom is making pizza and doughboys.
The family wants to go to SF for fleet week - to see the ships and watch the air show. Me - I'm just going "ACK-crowds" and "ACK-Homework".
One paper down, working on the online practice tool, then I need to work on the team paper. WHY did I let things slide? Oh yeah, life has been a touch nuts here lately.
life has been a touch nuts here lately
And by this you mean some damn exciting baseball. Although I know oyu will ace the class, I still blame the As.
Trudy, can you correct my spelling in your tag? Because, swear to donkey, I can spell Tijuana correctly (even if I never do) sometimes. KThxByeBBQ!
It is sooooooooooooo tempting to just let it bug you...
Oooh! I know! Say, "Danica is the queen of me" sixteen times!
Don't you understand? Betsy and I have them so you don't have to. Don't make our efforts for naught.
I was just reading an article in the paper about how many people who think they have sinus headaches actually have migraines.
That news was like a lightning bolt for me. Really helped me categorise my headaches. They are migraines. I can totally tell that now. I thought I was having two headaches at once, but now I know better.
Robin - I'm more aiming to just plain pass and not worrying about acing. the exciting baseball has helped me maintain some sanity - but when I'm home, I have zilch motivation and it is so hard to concentrate on school work when I do try to force myself.
Right now I'm set-up in the front room, which is usually empty. I have had to shoooo every member of the family out of here at some point. Right now K-Bug is "keeping me company" and my hints of LEAVE ME ALONE have been ignored.
Sigh, no SF and no air show for us. DH won't take the kids without me. Blarg.