I don't give half a hump if you're innocent or not. So where does that put you?

Book ,'Objects In Space'

Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

brenda m - Aug 28, 2006 5:04:23 pm PDT #634 of 10000
If you're going through hell/keep on going/don't slow down/keep your fear from showing/you might be gone/'fore the devil even knows you're there

Neat. Though I have to admit I was picturing something with more of a crash/bang effect, like that dude on Sesame Street.

Gris - Aug 28, 2006 5:15:14 pm PDT #635 of 10000
Hey. New board.

Gris, man, you are me. Except possibly a better girl.

I can think of worse people to be.

Go Calli on the jobbin'!

And P-C, for similar but not identical reasons!

Welcome SexM!

I want a dirty acronym. t pouts

Strix - Aug 28, 2006 5:18:35 pm PDT #636 of 10000
A dress should be tight enough to show you're a woman but loose enough to flee from zombies. — Ginger

I want a .wav of that for powerpoint. I have no idea how I'll work it into my lectures, but I have confidence in myself

I was joking, but...cool! Hmm. I think I could work it into a lecture on lit terms -- climax!! And....denoument.

I want a dirty acronym.

I think of you as "Grease." Kinda like Astroglide, just with more street cred.

aurelia - Aug 28, 2006 5:22:41 pm PDT #637 of 10000
All sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story. Tell me a story.

Your name is too short for an acronym. You could hold out hope that your name will be verbed.

SuziQ - Aug 28, 2006 5:30:29 pm PDT #638 of 10000
Back tattoos of the mother is that you are absolutely right - Ame

You could hold out hope that your name will be verbed.

A worthy goal. Though I'd hate to think what suzi'ing would entail.

Gris - Aug 28, 2006 5:42:38 pm PDT #639 of 10000
Hey. New board.

I think of you as "Grease." Kinda like Astroglide, just with more street cred.

This works. For some reason, when I read this, my first thought was "rhymes with bris!" but unfortunately dictionary.com says that's not true. Sad.

meara - Aug 28, 2006 5:43:49 pm PDT #640 of 10000

Okay, so I think we might be getting married. I don't think I'm freaking out. Okay, maybe a bit.

Eek! Congrats! The "residency in my belly" made me laugh.

and YAY calli's new job!!

Welcome, new person ExMachina.

I was tempted to invite an acquaintance ot this site, last night, when I ref'd "Want. Take. Have" and she GOT IT, but I wasn't sure it would be a good plan. :)

You could hold out hope that your name will be verbed.

I must say, I do love being a word!

Went to dinner with friends for my birthday (which is actually tomorrow, but I'll be on my way to Oklahoma). I adore my friends. They are fabulous. I need to see them more.

Strix - Aug 28, 2006 5:49:41 pm PDT #641 of 10000
A dress should be tight enough to show you're a woman but loose enough to flee from zombies. — Ginger

It's 10 til 9, and I have all the school-related tasks I needed to do tonight...done.

It's so weird. Is there another apocalypse coming? Dammit, I had the next one pencilled in for February 8, 2013.

Daisy Jane - Aug 28, 2006 6:07:48 pm PDT #642 of 10000
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

You should totally be getting drunk with me.

I had the best time getting drunk with my gay boyfriend. We had a conversation in which we were informed that cashew chicken is for white people, t-boned is not a good thing to be, and Hispanic sailors are a little slutty. Also we're getting married. People already think we are ( due to a hilarious confusion at shift change).

Also, I learned pronunciation, very important when trying to say cock in Spanish.

Daisy Jane - Aug 28, 2006 6:09:32 pm PDT #643 of 10000
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

Shit. I forgot to say yaaaaaay P-C!!!! Max Cady should totally play your housewarming.