Up until the punching, it was a real nice party.

Kaylee ,'Shindig'

Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Sparky1 - Aug 28, 2006 2:48:31 pm PDT #608 of 10000
Librarian Warlord

If I were a good librarian, I'd go look it up.

Some information is all ours, libkitty...

Sorry about the asshats on the freeway, Sean. I'm glad your both home safe.

Welcome, Sonus!

Laura - Aug 28, 2006 2:48:45 pm PDT #609 of 10000
Our wings are not tired.

I expect to have a little extra rain in the next few days that I'd be willing to send to SoCal.

Did I see Allyson, or was I mistaken? She usually doesn't scare me much.

juliana - Aug 28, 2006 2:50:14 pm PDT #610 of 10000
I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I miss them all tonight…

I was too enthralled by Allyson's pretty hair to be scared.

SonusExMachina - Aug 28, 2006 2:51:47 pm PDT #611 of 10000
BOOK: "River..? Please, why don't you come on out..." RIVER: "No. Can't. Too much hair." - 'Jaynestown'


Oh dear. I was hoping no one would think of that. Too late now.

Cashmere - Aug 28, 2006 2:54:10 pm PDT #612 of 10000
Now tagless for your comfort.

Oh dear. I was hoping no one would think of that. Too late now.

t points to the thread slug

Cashmere - Aug 28, 2006 2:54:16 pm PDT #613 of 10000
Now tagless for your comfort.

NoiseDesign - Aug 28, 2006 2:57:52 pm PDT #614 of 10000
Our wings are not tired

We always think of that.

vw bug - Aug 28, 2006 2:58:29 pm PDT #615 of 10000
Mostly lurking...

tvguide dot com hates me. It won't tell me what's on tv tonight, so I'm going to end up watching 7th Heaven. Evil tvguide dot com.

Also, {{{Sean}}}

Also, Allyson, I jumped.

Laura - Aug 28, 2006 2:58:51 pm PDT #616 of 10000
Our wings are not tired.

I was hoping no one would think of that.

Oh, as usual, dear. Did you read the top of the page? At first I wouldn't think that a friend of ND's would be concerned about being tagged SExM. But you might be all shy and stuff.

xposty point upward - hee

SailAweigh - Aug 28, 2006 3:04:12 pm PDT #617 of 10000
Nana korobi, ya oki. (Fall down seven times, stand up eight.) ~Yuzuru Hanyu/Japanese proverb

Welcome, SExM! That's really fun to say. SExM, SExM, SExM. Now all we need is a SExR.